What now?

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Author POV

"Tae, I love you, too. But I can't be with you. Cause it's wrong. And what's gonna happen to Hana then? I'm sorry, Tae. I can't cheat on my best friend." saying this you turned around to leave but Taehyung grabbed your wrist.

"Wait, listen to me first. Then you can make your decision." he said. You decided to listen to him.

"Hana doesn't love me, neither do I. She still loves her mafia ex. I don't want to be with her either. But I'm doing this for the sake of her parents. They're really worried about Hana. They thought being with me will be good for her. But we both are unhappy.

We just pretend to be a happy couple. I always feel unloved and lonely. I need someone to love me, too. Since you came into my life, I felt like I turned out to be a better version of myself.

I realized that I never truly loved Hana, I actually love you. And you were the one who told me to find someone better and I don't think I'll find someone better than you." Taehyung said as tears fell from his eyes.

Seeing him cry made you cry, too. You knew how painful it can be to be unloved.

"If you still want to reject me, that's ok. I'll go away from you." he added.

You immediately pulled him in your embrace. "I love you so much, Tae. Don't leave me."

He wrapped his arms around you and hugged you tight.

The rest of the day, you both enjoyed each others company. You both were so happy to finally be together. You decided to keep your relationship a secret.

Taehyung needs to be with Hana until she's in good conditions. He would break up with her when the situation gets better.

You both started secretly dating. You had rejected Jungkook. Things got pretty awkward between you two. But as time went, you became good friends again.

Hana POV

I slightly noticed how Taehyung had changed nowadays. He was happy most of the time and wasn't his old clingy self anymore.

Not that I was complaining. I mean, good for me. He didn't really care about what I was doing or where I was going. So, I didn't have to tolerate him like before.

One night, I woke up from my sleep and saw that Taehyung was missing from our bed. I went to check where he was. I went to the bathroom first. The lights were on and the door was open. I went inside the bathroom but no one was there.

That's strange.

Then I saw Taehyung's phone next to the sink. I quickly grabbed it.

This might be my chance. Taehyung isn't here and I have his phone. I can escape.

I started to dial Jay's number. But suddenly I heard some sounds. I hid the phone behind me.

Then Taehyung came in the bathroom. "What are you doing?" he asked looking suspicious. "Nothing." I replied as I gulped.

A/N: I know "Hana" is reading this right now. And she told me that she's hurt cause I snatched her boyfriend 😂.

I just wanna say,

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