7 Minutes in Heaven

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Everyone sat in a circle. Irene spun an empty bottle on the table and it landed on Mina. "Truth or dare?" Irene asked. "Truth." "Are you the one who's always forgetting to flush the toilet everyday?" Irene asked. "What?!" Mina exclaimed. "Hahah! Just messing. Now, serious......"

They all were laughing and playing. There were some funny and crazy dares. The bottle was spun again and this time it landed on me. I widen my eyes.

"Truth or dare?" Irene asked. "Dare." "I dare you to play seven minutes in heaven." Irene said with a smirk. "What?! With whom?" "How about boss? You both can play seven minutes in heaven in his cabin.

"What!" Taehyung and I both almost screamed. "Rules are rules, Y/N. But boss if you don't like it then you don't have to play." Irene said.

I looked at Taehyung hoping he would say no. "No, it's fine." he said.


Irene pushed me and Taehyung inside his cabin. She was looking most forward to this I could tell. "Tell me everything in detail later." she whispered to me. "Irene!" She shut the door.

So, basically now I was alone with Taehyung. I awkwardly looked at him. "We don't have to kiss, you know.  We can just talk." he said.

"So, you planned all of this?" he asked. "No, it was the others. They told me to keep you distracted. They were forcing a lot so I agreed." I replied.

"This was the best birthday I've spent this far. I never thought you'd do that for me."

I stayed quiet. "Don't keep standing. Sit on the chair." he said pointing at a chair. I sat down in front of him.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I picked you up without your permission. I just couldn't see you hurt. I remembered that day you got hurt. I still remember everything about you." he said.

"It's alright. I just acted to keep you distracted. I didn't really know you'd actually pick me up." I said as I chuckled.

Then we both heard some sounds coming from the door. It sounded like some people giggling. We both went to the door and he opened the door.

All the other employees were standing outside with their ears on the door. As soon as Taehyung opened the door, they fell down. It was clear that they were eavesdropping.

"What are you all doing here?" Taehyung said with his cold tone. Everybody immediately ran away.

He giggled looking at them. So did I.

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