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Author POV

You sat in the living room and tried to read a newspaper to clear your mind. Suddenly, your phone rang. You saw the caller ID and it was Jungkook. You picked up the call.


"Hello, Y/N? Where are you? Why aren't you here yet? You're never late to work."

You were still sniffing due to all the crying. "Uh, Jungkook, I won't be able to come to work today."

"Y/N, you're sniffing. Are you sick?" he asked in a concerned voice.

"No, it's nothing major. I just have a headache and a cold."

"Y/N, I'm coming right over to your house."

"Jungkook ah, you don't have to. I can take care of myself."

"I'm not taking any of your excuses. I'll be there in 10 minutes." saying this he hung up the call before you could say anything.

Little did you know that Taehyung overheard your conversation. He came into the living room and asked, " Who were you talking to?"

"Jungkook. I told him couldn't come to work today cuz I'm sick. But he said he's coming over. Because he's worried."

After a few minutes, Jungkook showed up at your house. You were in your room. So, Taehyung opened the door. Jungkook came in and straightly went to your room.

He knocked on your door and said,
"Y/N, can I come in?"
"Yeah, come in."
He came in with a worried face and kneeled down beside your bed. He checked your temperature with his hands.

"Jungkook, I'm fine."

He took your hands in his and looked into your eyes.

"When you didn't come to work today I thought you were angry at me for proposing you. I thought I lost you forever. So, I immediately called you. Then I found out that you're sick. I couldn't control myself so I came over."

"Kookie, I can never hate you. And about your proposal, I think I like you too. But I still need some time. And don't worry about me. I took my medicines and now I'm feeling much better."

Taehyung POV

I was eavesdropping to their conversation the whole time. It shattered my heart when I heard Y/N say that she likes him, too. I wasn't happy to see Jungkook so close to her. I should have been in his place.

Gosh, why am I feeling like this? Am I jealous of him?

But I shouldn't be. She's Hana's Best friend. I can't fall for her.

But I can't control myself either.

Jungkook was here the whole day. He wouldn't leave her alone for a second. Hence, I didn't have a proper chance to even talk to her. I was relieved when he finally left.

At night, when I was going to bed, Y/N came in my room.

"Tae, I need to ask you something."

"Go ahead." I said.

"Today, when my brother came in the morning, why did you tell him that you're my boyfriend?"

I froze in my place. At that time, it just came out of my mouth that I was her boyfriend. It just felt like the right thing to do.

"I did it to protect you from him." I said avoiding eye contact.

"Oh. I couldn't even thank you properly. Thanks for saving me and sorry. For me, you have to deal with all of this."

"Y/N, you don't need to be sorry or thank me. Let's forget what happened today and move on. And you don't need to worry about your family. I'll make sure that they can't reach you anymore."

She looked worried. She opened her mouth to say something but immediately closed it. She left my room and then I went to sleep.

Author POV

As you were going back to your room, Tae's words were playing in your head.

Even though he just told you that he said those things to protect you, deep down you felt strange. But you thought your mind was playing games with you. You tried to get some sleep but your mind was wandering in his thoughts.

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