Chapter 3

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The rest of the night went off with a bang.

Lisa spent ninety percent of it walking around with Miyeon, hand in hand, showing off the big diamond encrusted ring to all her friends and receiving the same responses, consisting of 'awww' or 'how did you do it?' And after a while the questions just got tedious, and Lisa managed to sneak away and spend the rest of the night chatting away with Chaeyoung over Perfect Ten's and Ketel One Martini's.

However all good things come to an end, and everyone started flooding out by about 2am. There hadn't been a set time to finish, but apparently everyone had the same idea, or, you know, people are just sheep and followed the crowd. Lisa thought the second was more likely. It's not like she didn't like the people from the party, it's just if she could, she wouldn't spend more than two hours in their company, apart from Chaeyoung's of course, but it was mostly Miyeon's party, and what Miyeon wants, Miyeon gets. Kind of like Chaeyoung in a strange way.

Chaeyoung was the last to go, after insisting she helped clean up whilst Jisoo was slumped over in the corner, passed out after downing three shots of vodka and having a beer or two. Chaeyoung had said she'd always been a lightweight. Miyeon had claimed she was tired and was heading to bed after the last guest left, bar Chaeyoung, so Lisa had grabbed two bin liners, handed one to Chaeyoung and they'd got started on the cleaning.

But by 3:30am, they were both exhausted, and it seemed the roof wasn't going to get any cleaner without daylight to see where the rubbish was - so they said decided that was enough for the night. Lisa insisted they stay over, but having a new apartment and all, Chaeyoung wanted to settle in. So after dragging the dead weight of Jisoo, which was surprisingly heavy, to a cab, they departed with a hug and a kiss to the cheek.

And that's how Lisa ends up here, sprawled out on the couch, feeling half dead. She looks to the clock above the TV and see's it's 4am. Her mind and body have different ideas of where she should sleep, her mind saying the couch, and her body saying the bed.

It's not like last night where she wasn't allowed to sleep in the bed, she just doesn't have the willpower or strength to get up since she flopped down on the sofa. She can be a lazy shit sometimes, but even the thought of getting up was painful.

Then again, sleeping on the couch might start another argument with Miyeon and so she somehow manages to push up from the couch and pads her way down the hallway to the bedroom. When she gets there, she strips off all her clothes, leaving herself in a bra and boxers and face-plants into the mattress.

Damn, entertaining people is hard work. But she doesn't really mind, it's been such a long time since she's seen most of their faces, well, since she's seen Chaeyoung's face, and it was amazing just being able to catch up with her. She'd never tell Miyeon, but she misses Chaeyoung, like so much, and no doubt if she ever told her fiancée that, she'd flip and Lisa would be sleeping on the couch for a few weeks. Since when was a lesbian not allowed to be best friends with a bisexual?

"Babe?" Miyeon stirs, her arm lazily flinging over Lisa's back. "Are you okay?"

Lisa groans and says a muffled yes into the pillow. Miyeon giggles and rolls over, pressing a kiss to Lisa's bare shoulder as her fingertips graze lightly over the small of her back.

"Did you have a good night?" Miyeon murmurs, leaving trails of kisses up Lisa's shoulder to her neck, where she nips at the skin lightly.

"So much my-" Lisa pauses and rolls over, tucking one arm underneath the pillow and leaving the other to drape over Miyeon's midsection. "-Beautiful fiancée."

Miyeon's eyes sparkle, even in the darkness and Lisa leans in to press a chaste kiss to Miyeon's lips. She pulls back, but the other brunette follows, crushing their lips together once more and lightly scratching up Lisa's bare ribs. As much as the party was fun, she's pretty much been looking forward to this part of the night where she gets to have crazy, engagement sex with one of the most beautiful women she's ever seen. Her member starts hardening as a tongue grazes against her bottom lip and she groans. It's an immediate reaction, Miyeon's tongue is just so damn soft and ugh, the things she can do with that thing...

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