Chapter 24

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By the time they get back to Chaeyoung's apartment, it's starting to turn dark. Their plans of spending the entire day on the sofa, snuggled up and (not) watching crappy movies has shot out the window, replaced by a trip to ER and her old apartment. At least she got the benefit of conjuring up the idea to recreate Valentines Day. That'll get her some brownie points, if not more.

Entering Chaeyoung's apartment, Lisa drops her duffel bag by the sofa and then flops down onto the cushions. Breaking an arm is totally more exhausting than it's made out to be. She thought the pain would keep her awake, but all she wants to do now is lie here, intertwined with Chaeyoung, relax and try to ignore the throbbing in her hand.

Chaeyoung walks over, shrinking into a crouch and runs her fingers through dark locks. Lisa closes her eyes at the sensation, humming in appreciation as her legs dangle off the edge of the arm, torso covering half the length of the sofa. She's lying sidewards, but has like zero energy to shuffle up to lay down properly. Plus with the combined feeling of slender fingers running through her hair, her body just relaxes even more and if it continues, she'll probably be asleep.

"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung whispers softly, rocking forward to gracefully fall to her knees. "Are you in pain?"

Lisa wants to say no. She doesn't need Chaeyoung nursing her, even though one of those red and white striped uniforms would be seriously hot right now, but she kind of is in pain. The throbbing has only intensified since she had the cast put on, and she does kind of wonder how that actually helps the swelling whatsoever. Aren't people supposed to wait till the swelling goes down first? Whatever. She's not a doctor.

"Nah, not really," she answers, cracking open her eyes to stare into Chaeyoung’s eyes. "It's manageable."

Chaeyoung arches a brow. "Lisa, no-one ever got ahead by pretending they weren't in pain."

Lisa lets out a long exhale, smiling when Chaeyoung sweeps her thumb underneath her bottom lip. "Okay," she decides to give in. "I'm in a little bit of pain."

A hand dances down her neck, across her collarbone and towards her shoulder. "Do you want some painkillers?"

Lisa turns her head, cheek lying against the sofa cushions as Chaeyoung tilts her heads so they can stare into each other's eyes with ease. "Nope," she grins, idea popping into her mind, "But I think if you kissed it better it would help. Maybe."

"Oh, yeah?" Chaeyoung grins, fingers dancing down the fabric of Lisa's t-shirt, over the crook in her elbow and down the cast covering her wrist. "So if I did this," she punctuates by lifting Lisa's arm and pressing a kiss to the cast, "Would that work?"

"Nope," Lisa shakes her head, smiling widely.

Chaeyoung brushes her lips down the cast, until she reaches Lisa's fingers where she presses a kiss to each tip. Finishing by dragging Lisa's thumb slowly across her bottom lip, she smiles and looks up. "How about now?"

"Hmmm..." Lisa smiles slightly, flexing her fingers and testing the movement. Her hand still hurts, but now she has the feel of Chaeyoung's lips tingling her skin and she's not even focusing on the dull ache. "But I think I hurt my cheek when I fell off the bed too."

She knows it's lame, but the grin that spreads across Chaeyoung's face is totally worth how dorky she feels. Still smiling, Chaeyoung stretches up, exposing the long expanse of her throat and presses a lingering kiss to the skin of Lisa's cheek, her hand still lightly holding Lisa's injured one and body half-lying one top of her girlfriends.

"Is that better?" The blonde asks, pulling away.

"Uh huh," Lisa nods, twisting her legs until they fall in front of her and until she can push herself into a sitting position. She reaches down, grabbing two pale hands and tugging until knees drop either side of her hips and Chaeyoung's straddling her, grinning down and staring at her with utter adoration. "But my nose hurts too."

If It Hurts This Much (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now