SEASON 2 : Chapter 9

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She's annoyed.

She would say pissed off but since the baby developed ears and started hearing thirteen weeks ago—she's now at thirty three weeks—she's told herself and Lisa not to swear. You know, just in case.

But anyway, she's annoyed, because three days ago when Lisa came home from work, she was on the phone to Jennie and apparently Jisoo was throwing Chaeyoung a baby shower. Of course she'd smiled and been all happy about it, but Lisa? Not so much. She'd rolled her eyes and said that it was some lame attempt of Jisoo's to possibly be thrown into the vote of 'godmother' — despite Lisa saying from the very beginning that there was no way in hell Jisoo was even going to touch Liam, let alone be his damn godmother.

After a few conversations and slow but very persuasive kisses, Lisa had rolled her eyes, set her hands on Chaeyoung's hips and said that yeah, okay, maybe she would consider it.

Anyway, that conversation had lead to Lisa groaning about going to a baby shower and Chaeyoung had tugged on her sleeve and batted her lashes until Lisa caved and said she'd go to the stupid baby shower.

But that's not why Chaeyoung's annoyed.

She's annoyed because it's three days later, and she's sitting here in the armchair in the Kims residence's living room with a virgin cocktail in her hand, surrounded by her dance friends, and there's no Lisa by her side. There's no Lisa in the kitchen, or in the hallway, or even standing outside with a cigarette that she'll promise she didn't smoke later. No. Instead, there's just no Lisa because she's not here. She never turned up and Chaeyoung's now drumming her fingertips along the swell of her stomach, and trying to find an outing of this conversation with Winter because it's still pretty awkward after the whole Asian fusion thing (also known as Winter and Jaehyun hooking up) and because she's got her tongue at the ready to yell at her wife for breaking a promise.

"So how's the pregnancy going?" Winter asks, her voice a little too cheery. They were left together about five minutes ago because Jisoo thought it'd be a good idea for them to 'reconcile' even though they were never... unreconciled? And now they're making awkward small talk.

Chaeyoung nods slowly, sucking in her lower lip and flattening her palm against her bump without conscious thought. "It's good. I'm at thirty three weeks now so," she pats it gently to end her sentence.

"Wow, so... When's the baby's due date?"

"1st May," she says, eyes flicking around the room just in case Lisa decides to show up. But nope, no sign. Chaeyoung lets out a sigh and feels a pinch below her bump. Damn it. She needs to pee again. This pregnancy is making her pee like, a galleon a day. "Excuse me," she continues to Winter who looks just about as interested in this conversation as Chaeyoung is. "Gotta pee."

Winter nods and Chaeyoung parts, smiling at people as she weaves through them and heads for the bathroom, pulling out her phone as soon as she locks the door.

Where the hell is Lisa?


The guy in the sky decides to really screw with Chaeyoung when she leaves the toilet because as soon as she flips open the lock and sets a foot outside, she bumps straight into Jaehyun.

It's been a while since they last talked outside of the studio, and even when they're at the studio, it's more of a nodding of the head and a weak smile in lieu of a greeting. Talking just feels a little uncomfortable, because really? How are you supposed to talk to a guy—not any guy, your fiancé—who you dumped for your best friend because you'd been in love with your best friend for as long as you could remember? Not to mention it still manages to create this pang of guilt, even if she knows Jaehyun's happy with Winter and she's happier than she could've ever imagined with Lisa. Some things just don't fade like that.

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