SEASON 2 : Chapter 3

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Jennie still can't fucking decide on pretty much anything and by the third week it goes as far as the brunette freaking out about whether this song is actually worth recording, and whether it's actually any good, and it takes Lisa half a bottle of Jack and a good three hours of talking to calm her friend down.

See, she is a pretty kick ass manager.

By the fourth week, Jennie nails the song and they get through an entire session without any minor break downs or frets about the song, and by the end of the six hour session, the song's finished. Sure, if they want to complete the album then they've got to do this like, ten or eleven times over, but the main single is done and dusted, and all Lisa wants to do is celebrate.

"You, me, Jisoo and Chaeng for drinks down at Benji's tonight," Lisa tells Jennie instead of asking her. "We're gonna celebrate by drinking way too much and dancing until we're sweaty."

The brunette nods at her. "I'm down for it. I'll call Chu now."

"And I'll call Chaeng."

They both pick up their phones and Jennie slips into the microphone room, shutting the door behind her whilst Lisa stays behind the MIDI, flicking the speaker button off so she can't hear what her friend's saying on the phone. Thank God for that, Lisa doesn't feel like puking over nauseating number one gushing to nauseating number two.

Anyway, she finds Chaeyoung's name in her favorites―it's not exactly hard as it's the only one in the list―and clicks it, bringing the phone to her ear as she waits out the dial tone.

"Bonjour caliente... épouse."

Lisa blinks and lets out a chuckle. "Really, Chaeng? French and Spanish in the same sentence?"

"Oh, crap. Are they different languages?"

"Yeah, baby. Ma jolie femme." (‘My beautiful wife’ in French)

"You've got your lovey tone on so I'm going to assume you said something good," Chaeyoung replies cheerily. "So, hey baby. What's up?"

Lisa leans back in the chair. "You up for a night out? Jennie's four week long recording session has finally come to and end which not only means I get my day off with you tomorrow, but it also means we're going out tonight to celebrate."

"Oh, yeah! I haven't been dancing in ages." Chaeyoung's voice is jolting a little and Lisa can totally imagine her wife bouncing up and down in excitement. "Where are we going?"

"Chae, you can't say you haven't been dancing in ages. You dance for a living."

"It's totally not the same thing."

Lisa rolls her eyes but chuckles, thumbing a crease in her jeans. "We're going to Benji's. That cool?"

"Awesome. When will you be home?"

After all this time, it still makes her smile when she thinks of 'home.' Where her wife is. Where her life is based. All with Chaeyoung. "In a few hours, babe. I'll see you later."

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you, too."


She gets home a few hours later and makes a beeline for the bedroom considering she's got two hours to get ready and she still needs to shower and wash her hair. The journey is quickly stopped when out the corner of her eye she finds Chaeyoung lying on the couch, curled up with a hot water bottle pressed to her stomach.

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