Chapter 5

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Lisa's not entirely sure how she got here, why she's here, when the hell it got so damn dark or what the hell she's been doing in the past eight hours since she left her office.

All she knows right now, is that it's 11pm, and she's standing outside Chaeyoung's apartment, staring at the door like she's trying to use mind powers to open it.

Her cell phone has been buzzing constantly in her pocket for the past few hours, but she knows it's probably just Miyeon worrying about her and wondering where the hell she is; but Lisa doesn't really want to talk to her. The text she sent after leaving her office was pretty vague—running along the lines of I've been told to leave work—but it has enough information in her opinion, and honestly, she doesn't really care if Miyeon's worrying. Not right now, anyway.

The only thing other she's remotely aware of is that she probably shouldn't be here. It's not like she's not allowed to be, it's just one hell of a statement that she came to her best friend's house after being dismissed from work, instead of going home and spending the rest of her day with her fiancée whom she's getting married to tomorrow. It definitely says something, even if Lisa's not sure what it says.

But she doesn't even have enough time to figure it out, or decide whether she's going to knock or just walk away because the door to Chaeyoung's apartment swings open, and suddenly there's Chaeyoung, standing in front of her with her hair tied into a messy bun on her head, zero make-up on and an incredibly small towel wrapped around her body, covering all the pieces that shouldn't exposed, but leaving little to the imagination.

Lisa guesses the just interrupted Chaeyoung before a shower, because she's like almost one hundred percent sure that Chaeyoung's probably naked under that towel, or almost naked, but she doesn't really think about that. All she thinks about is how Chaeyoung's showing a lot of skin and because they've been best friends for seventeen years, Lisa knows that the skin that is covered is probably done so by incredibly skimpy, verging-on-the-edge-of-non-existent, underwear. Fabric that is way too expensive considering the amount, but is sexy as hell and Lisa gulps loudly, knowing she's thinking about her best friend in a way she most definitely shouldn't be.

(It doesn't help that when they were eighteen, Lisa walked in on Chaeyoung in a pair of very small, lacy, black lingerie.)

She manages to tear her eyes away, realizing she's leering, too and squeezes her eyes shut. Damn this fucking no sex rule.

"Lisa?" Chaeyoung calls, waving her hand in front of Lisa's face. "What are you doing here?"

Letting out a small chuckle, Lisa looks at her best friend, sees the worry and lets it sink in. She feels comfortable now that she's with Chaeyoung, and not angry like she has been all day long. "How did you know I was here?"

"Instinct," Chaeyoung replies with a grin, one hand holding up the edge of the towel whilst the other is still holding the door open. "Are you coming in or shall I just leave the door open so you can let all my heating out?"

Lisa giggles in response and brushes past the blonde, shrugging off her bomber jacket and throwing it over the back of the sofa.

It's the first time she's actually been in Chaeyoung's apartment since she moved to Seoul, and she takes a moment to smile at the things that just scream Chaeyoung. The half drunken cups of coffee on any available flat surface, the various gossip magazines next to them, the few unpacked boxes next to the small bookcase behind her stacked with DVD's and various Shakespearean books that Chaeyoung loves. Not to mention the soft vanilla scent flowing from the kitchen which tells Lisa that Chaeyoung was baking earlier.

Damn. She already feels less pissed off than before just being in here.

"So," Chaeyoung perches on the arm of the chair after shutting the door. "What's up?"

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