Chapter 10

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Lisa grins as she hears Chaeyoung sigh with pleasure, and leans up to lock eyes with her once more. Carefully, she nudges their noses together and leans in, pressing a long, lingering kiss to her best friend's lips, tasting the salty of their combined sweat and remains of herself on them. She doesn't think she'd ever get used to kissing Chaeyoung, whilst it's amazing, it's almost surreal because it's that damn good. When she feels Chaeyoung's grip around her cock loosen, she groans and then realizes her fingers are still inside the blonde.

With a grin, she bites her bottom lip and slowly slides her fingers out, stroking the inside gently one last time to get Chaeyoung to moan, and of course, she does. The last few minutes play on the back of her eyelids like an old school movie theatre and she can almost feel herself getting hard again at the thought.

"So…" Lisa smirks, kissing a smiling Chaeyoung one last time before slowly sitting back on her ankles, and kneeling between Chaeyoung's legs whilst her fingers move against each other, allowing them to glide together flawlessly. It's kind of strange, but watching the moisture make them slip against each other is rather arousing.

Chaeyoung blushes, watching Lisa watch her glistening fingers move, and brushes the back of her hand against her face, pushing back a few locks of hair. "Yeah, so…"

With her clean fingers, Lisa starts to fumble with her jeans, until two pale hands grip around her wrists to stop her. "Uh, Lisa?" Chaeyoung starts, her vision darting between brown eyes and Lisa's crotch. "You might wanna go change," she chuckles and leans back again, bending her knees until Lisa's out from between them.

Lisa's brows furrow. "Huh?" She asks as she looks down, noticing what Chaeyoung means. Apparently, she wasn't prepared for how much she was going to shoot, because slowly dripping out of her jeans, sliding down the zip is glistening moisture, similar to the one on her fingers. A blush creeps up on her cheeks, but then she thinks it's ridiculous considering what just happened, and shakes it off. "Oh, yeah."

Chaeyoung continues to chuckle as Lisa pushes off her best friend's knees, wiggling against the uncomfortable feeling of drying come rubbing her softening cock from inside her boxers and scrunching her nose. "I feel like a teenager again," Lisa says, pinching her forehead and grinning at the ground.

"Well your mom's not here to surprise you," Chaeyoung quips, shooting a wink at the brunette as she lifts her hips from the sofa cushions to pull her leggings up properly. "and make you come inside your boxers before you can grab some tissues," she finishes, plucking at the hem of her top as she clamps her knees together with a large smile.

Lisa gives her a playful shut up look with narrowed eyes and a small smirk. "Well excuse me if I didn't want to stop you and say 'hold up, let me get some tissues.'"

A pillow smacks her in her stomach, followed by a heavenly giggle. "I wouldn't have minded."

"Yeah," Lisa bends down and picks up the pillow, fluffing it in her hands. "I'm sure you wouldn't have minded if I stopped doing what I was doing."

Chaeyoung shrugs. "You weren't really doing much for me." There's affection lacing her tone so Lisa knows her best friend's joking, otherwise her ego might've been seriously affected.

Lisa quirks an eyebrow and takes a step closer to Chaeyoung, crouching down and trailing her fingers up the expanse of her best friend's leg, dipping into where her calf muscle curves. Chaeyoung’s eyes widen, watching Lisa's every move and the brunette grins as she hears an audible gulp, and a familiar pair of brown orbs following her like a hawk. But she continues, lingering slightly at the bottom of a strong knee, before dipping to the inside of Chaeyoung's thighs, continuing up dangerously close to the place that makes her mouth water with anticipation and arousal.

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