SEASON 2 : Chapter 5

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They've started doing this thing where they go on dates every Friday night.

Work's been busier for both of them, and Chaeyoung's now thirteen weeks pregnant which means her body's playing up a little and it's getting her down, and so every week they go and do something different together. Something that's just for them, whether that's climbing the Empire State Building at night time, seeing a show on Broadway or even just going out to dinner at a fancy restaurant.

Whatever it is, they do it together and it's just amazing.

So it gets to Friday night again, and Lisa comes home from work and throws herself face down on the sofa. She hears a giggle and lifts her head enough to find Chaeyoung sitting on the kitchen counter, laughing at her and munching on a bowl of Fruit Loops.

"Hey," she grumbles, dropping her head again.

She would get up to greet Chaeyoung but she's fucking exhausted and her limbs feel like they weigh three tons each. Today was filled with what felt like a million conferences with rich assholes who she had to sweet talk into convince into giving financial aid to help with the tour she's planning for Jennie.

Except that only ended up in several of them questioning Jennie's ability and one saying how she was just some 'small town chick' who would drop from the charts within a year and be forgotten about.

Obviously that hadn't sat well with Lisa and she'd wound up having a full blown argument with one of them and that lead to the guy completely pulling out of giving any money towards it, or any project in the future.

Boy, had Jennie been pissed.

But now Lisa just wants to forget the day, curl up to her wife and sleep off the stress. That sounds like the best idea in the world.

Chaeyoung chuckles again, drops her bowl in the sink and hops down from the counter, gliding over to stand by her side. "I wanna cuddle," she says, stretching her arms down and wiggling her fingers in the air like a child.

Lisa grins, shakes her head and pushes up from the couch, twisting to wrap her arms around her wife's waist, nose burying into the crook of her neck. She closes her eyes and all the stress and the shit just washes straight off her.

That really is the best thing about coming home to Chaeyoung; no matter what happens in the day, she comes home to a ray of sunshine and all the crap just vanishes.

"Tough day?"

Lisa nods against Chaeyoung's shoulder, lip poking out into a pout. "Yeah," she groans. "I had to kiss some rich butt."

Chaeyoung pulls back, arms staying looped around her neck and fingers toying with fine, dark hair at the back of Lisa’s neck. "Poor baby. Do you just want to stay in tonight?"

"No," Lisa inhales through her nose and wiggles her head. She won't have her date ruined just 'cause of some wealthy bastard.

"Then let's do something simple."

She bumps their noses together. "Like what?"

"I don't know," the blonde lifts her shoulder, eyes drifting towards the ceiling. "How about going to see a movie?" She suggests, eyes brightening and grin widening. "It'll be like we're teenagers going on our first date."

Lisa giggles and kisses her wife softly, slowly, before pulling away and licking her lips. "That sounds good, baby. You got a film in mind?"

"I don't know what's on."

"Let's have a look then," she presses one lingering kiss to pink lips and pulls away, dropping back down to the sofa and reaching beneath it to grab her laptop.

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