Chapter 27

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Lisa sucks in a shaky breath when the destination finally comes in sight. She's been so fucking nervous about this entire evening that she's having a hard time keeping her cool. So far she's just wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung's waist and rested her chin on her girlfriend's shoulder, breathing in deeply and evenly and marveling in the warmth emanating from Chaeyoung's body.

But she's still fucking nervous. Even if Chaeyoung's face looks like Christmas just came around again.

Sliding her fingers through her girlfriend's, she squeezes lightly and leans in until her lips ghost over the shell of a cold ear. "Open your eyes, Chaeng."

Slowly, but surely, she watches as sparkling brown is revealed. Somehow ten-folding in color and brightness as they fall upon the small island up ahead. A gasp catches in Lisa's throat as she anticipates her girlfriends reaction. But as soon as Chaeyoung's body melts into hers and a pink lip is taken between a set of straight, white teeth, Lisa knows she's in the clear.

"Oh, Lisa." Chaeyoung breathes out, face softening and a small smile tugging at her lips. "It's beautiful."

Lisa chuckles as the roar of the boat engine dies down and then they're just floating towards the edge of the island. It's everything she spent the day preparing. Even if she had her cousin physically do it because he lives closer. The island is small, and the jetty the boat will anchor upon is highlighted with similar lights to the one she had put on the yacht. The walkway is clear, leading up into a small patch of trees where she knows a small camp fire and two tents are eagerly awaiting beyond.

Her eyes slide to the right and she taps Chaeyoung's hand, motioning to get up. As soon as the other girl does, she laces their fingers together again and leads her towards the walkway which Jennie and Jisoo are lowering. Chaeyoung doesn't notice them at first, but as soon as she does, Lisa's halted by the pause in her girlfriend's movement and she waits.

"Jisoo?" Chaeyoung asks incredulously. "Jennie?"

Lisa turns, eyes hopeful. "I needed some help," she shrugs. "And apparently Jennie knows how to drive a boat, and Jisoo... Well, Jennie wasn't prepared to come here alone with us two love-birds."

Chaeyoung gives her a smile that makes her wonder how she got so damn lucky, and she doesn't care that Jennie and Jisoo are waiting for them to leave the boat, or that there's still a lump of the surprise to go. Instead, all she cares about is kissing Chaeyoung and so she does. Stepping forward, brushing her hand along the protrusion of her girlfriends hip with one hand and cupping a cold, creamy cheek with the other, she tilts her head and moves forward slowly until their lips brush against each other softly. Almost as if she's testing the waters.

Chaeyoung lets out a quiet moan, and Lisa smiles, nudging her nose up and brushing it against another cold one before their lips meet again in a slightly harder kiss. Hands come up to cup to her cheeks, and she removes her hand to grip onto the opposite side of Chaeyoung's hip to route herself in place. Without it, this kiss will probably make her stumble off the boat and possibly fall into the water. Amusing possibility. But it'd totally ruin the romantic atmosphere.

Reluctantly, she takes a step back, pouting her lips further and leaning in with her head (despite her body moving backwards) to prolong the kiss. Chaeyoung breaks it though, eyes fluttering open and eyebrows creasing in the center slightly. Lisa shakes her head slightly, feeling the after effects of the kiss still shooting through her body as she laces their fingers together and pulls both of them towards the walkway.


As soon as they make their way past the trees and the camp fire comes into sight, Lisa pauses and waits for Chaeyoung's reaction.

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