Chapter 17

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Lisa's calves hit a few objects on the way, but she's too caught up in Chaeyoung to know what the hell is going on, so she continues, sliding their lips against one another, and tangling their tongues together sensually. She draws her best friend tighter into her embrace, hands gripping the dancers trim waist tightly as they enter Chaeyoung's bedroom, spinning them around so she's the one steering their movement. Within seconds, her toes hit the foot board of the bed, and she pulls away, lips smacking apart as she strokes blonde hair away from her beautiful face and looks deeply into dark brown eyes.

Chaeyoung smiles, and then backs away, slowly leaning down towards the bed and perching on the end. Lisa bends at the waist, pressing her lips back to Chaeyoung's as her palms meet the comforter either side of her best friend's hips, keeping herself steady. She feels fingers fumble with the buckle on her belt, and gasps into Chaeyoung's mouth as the heel of her hand bumps the rigid member caught up inside Lisa's trousers, pressing against her thigh. She straightens up slightly, feeling the intensity of the moment surge through her veins.

A quick pop and the pressure around her crotch loosens. Chaeyoung looks up into brown with lust-filled eyes before slowly unzipping the jeans and sliding them down Lisa’s legs. Lisa smiles, and reaches down towards her shirt, undoing each button until a white, lacy bra is visible. She licks her lips nervously, and watches as Chaeyoung lifts her arms, eyes trusting and silently asking for assistance.

Lisa grins, loving the way that expression sinks through her body and bends down again, keeping their face merely inches apart as her fingers grip the edge of Chaeyoung's top. Slowly and surely, she pulls it over her head, watching blonde hair flow around pale shoulders and finish just above a black, lacy bra with the motion.

She doesn't even try and hide her obvious leering as her eyes trail up and down the length of her best friend's body, lingering at her mouth-watering abs and perfect breasts. God, everything about Chaeyoung is so damn beautiful - not only on the inside, but on the outside as well. How can something so beautiful and pure exist?

Lisa breaks her thoughts by grasping the edges of her shirt and shrugging it off, leaving it to fall onto the floor. Slightly more hesitant than before, she nudges Chaeyoung's legs apart, pushing the blonde back before laying her down. With her best friend staring up at her with those trusting, chocolate eyes and a willing smile, there's no doubt inside her mind that this is where she belongs. Not with the whole sex thing, even though she's pretty sure after this that'll just be another factor to back up her thesis, but with Chaeyoung in general - with her heart, her soul, herself on the line… She knows the only person she wants to possess all of them is the person staring up at her.

Chaeyoung shuffles further up the bed, blonde hair splaying across the pillows as Lisa crawls up, slipping in between parted thighs and moaning as the bulge in her boxer's presses up against the welcoming warmth of Chaeyoung's clothed center. The blonde's lips part, eyes half-hood and then Lisa grins, shaking her head in disbelief because she can't believe she's never done this.

Their lips ghost over each other, breaths teasing as sparks develop between the gap. Chaeyoung's breathing has picked up and Lisa's too, but it's not a panicked pattern, it's an ohmygodwhyhaven'tIbeendoingthisallalong one – and it only makes her smile widely. She moves to press their lips together once more, not being able to control herself any longer.

Somewhere between the gentle pecks, the familiarization of their bodies being flush against each other once more and hands gliding all over each other bodies, they start rocking together in attempt to relieve some of the tension in the pit of their stomachs. There's literally no doubt that whilst her lightly clothed member is rubbing up against the inside of Chaeyoung's still covered sex, she's never been as hard. She can feel her dick twitching with anticipation every time they rock up, or every time her tongue does a sweep of Chaeyoung's mouth.

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