SEASON 2 : Chapter 14

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Lisa looks up from the gossip mag in hand, eying her wife from the sofa. "Yeah?"

Chaeyoung wanders in from the kitchen, clutching a plate full of cut up sandwiches and Lisa just watches her, bare feet padding over the floor and baggy gray sweatpants hanging low on her hips and honestly, she'll never tire of this sight. She thinks it might be one of her top five best things about being married; having someone-no, having Chaeyoung-just look so damn comfortable in a place they can call their own. It may even reach the top three best things, actually.

She's still staring at the doorway to the kitchen when the sofa dips beside her, a warm body pressing against her side and she shakes herself out of it, glancing down at the plate of triangle sandwiches being set on her lap and knows it's Liam's lunch leftovers. The sandwiches are filled with peanut butter and jelly, peanut butter, jelly and Fluff too, by the looks of it and she almost rolls her eyes lovingly but then Chaeyoung tilts her head back and presses a kiss to the underside of her jaw and she forgets to do it.

"You're not busy next Saturday," Chaeyoung starts, taking a mouthful of sandwich. "Are you?"

Too distracted by the brown eyes staring straight at her, Lisa takes a long moment before replying. "Not that I know of. Why?"

"Some guys came by the studio earlier," her wife explains, body shifting so her back is pressed against Lisa's side as her eyes goes to the TV. "And we're having a really big, important meeting next week about possibly setting up another studio in Beijing or Shanghai or somewhere. I want you to come."

A soft smile plays at Lisa's lips as her arm winds around Chaeyoung's waist and hand dips beneath her shirt, fingertips gliding over smooth skin. Chaeyoung shudders beneath the touch and leans back further into her.

"Of course I'll be there," she says, dropping a kiss to a head of blonde hair. "Who's going?"

Chaeyoung swallows her mouthful. "Well," she starts and Lisa gets the feeling she's not going to like what's coming. "I mean, technically it's just supposed to be me and Jaehyun."

Yep. She doesn't like it. And Chaeyoung must get this because she grabs the plate of Lisa's lap and sets it on the coffee table before turning around and throwing a leg over Lisa's thighs until her knees are bracketing Lisa's hips. Hands cup her cheeks and her own ones instantly drop to run up Chaeyoung's thighs, suddenly hating these sweatpants that a moment ago she was admiring.

"But I want to bring you because I love you," Chaeyoung continues, her eyes flickering between Lisa's. "And I know that in spite of Jaehyun and Winter being together, and you and me being madly in love and have a son-who, by the way, snores like a monster truck-you still get a little touchy over me and Jaehyun being together."

Lisa laughs a little, rolls her eyes playfully and sits up, letting her hands slide around to Chaeyoung's ass, pulling them closer together. "Firstly, Liam does not snore like a monster truck," she tries to correct even though she's heard their son and yeah, he may be coming up for two but he sounds like a motocross bike when he's asleep. "And secondly, he still stares a little too long despite having a girlfriend. I'm pretty sure Winter would be pissed if she caught him looking."

"Well that doesn't matter," Chaeyoung lifts both eyebrows pointedly. "Because I only have eyes for one person."

Lisa smiles bashfully, dipping her head a little. Somehow she still manages to get all embarrassed when her wife look at her like this; like she's the only thing in the room. "Yeah?" She asks quietly. Chaeyoung giggles and nods.

"Yeah," she says. "Because, you know... this person is..." she trails off, her eyes drifting upwards to think. "She's pretty amazing," she finally lands on, meeting brown eyes once more.

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