SEASON 2 : Chapter 11

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A few months later


Her head turns, eyes searching around the room but there's no sign of her wife.

"Chaeng, babe, you here?"

It's a Friday afternoon, and Lisa's managed to get off work early after Jennie said something about wanting to take Jisoo away for the weekend. Didn't really peak Lisa's interest too much but she didn't complain as it meant they could both leave, go home and see their respective other halves which, y'know, is about a million times better than trying to come up with song lyrics; and not to mention Lisa's also got a little man at home she's been dying to cuddle since she left at 8am this morning.

So yeah, she's at home now, and she's just walked in the door, thrown her blazer over the back of the couch and is now wandering around. Where the hell is her wife?


There's no answer, but as she walks further through the apartment, she hears the tell-tale signs of trickling water and splashing and a soft smile curves at her lips. Her hand pushes lightly against the bathroom door when she gets there, and she stops the moment it opens, staring at one of the best things that's even been witnessed.

Chaeyoung giving Liam a bath.

Her heart expands, fluttering inside of her and she tilts her head to the side slowly, keeping her breathing quiet so she can't be heard as she just watches.

Chaeyoung's kneeling by the side of the bath, leaning over the side of the white porcelain with one hand cupping the back of Liam's neck and the other swishing a sponge about in the water that barely reaches Liam's belly button. There aren't any bubbles or soap in the water, and she smiles at the memory of reading over that chapter in the 'So You're Having A Baby' book when Chaeyoung was twenty four weeks pregnant because Chaeyoung was horrified that their baby wouldn't be able to play around with the bubbles seeing as that was her favorite part when she was a kid. If it hadn't been for her and Lisa sharing a bath and making the best out of it, it would probably still be her favorite part of baths.

A thought pops into her brain and she fishes into her pants pocket for her phone, flicking on the silent button and wincing when the cell vibrates in her hands. Apparently Chaeyoung's too caught up with humming something beneath her breath and bathing their baby to notice, so Lisa just proceeds slowly and quietly, opening the camera app and directing it towards her wife and son, deciding that this is something she needs on film.

"Hey little baby, you've got no bubbles..."

Lisa straightens up and sucks in a breath at the sound of her wife's voice, suddenly glad she decided to begin filming this. She knows this is going to be something she's going to watch over and over again in the near future because Chaeyoung's singing to Liam, picking up the sponge and squeezing all the water over Liam's body, soothing it slowly straight after. It really is one of the most wonderful sights, especially when Liam's face scrunches up, his small, chubby little hands waving about to grab at Chaeyoung's hand as she moves her hand away, dipping back to the water surrounding him.

"If your mama was here and there were, we'd both be in trouble..."

A chuckle threatens to escape Lisa's mouth but she holds it back, sucking in her lips and keeping a steady hand on her phone.

"But now we've gotta use a cup to wash your hair..."

Chaeyoung drops the sponge, leaving it to float in the shallow water as she shifts, keeping her support beneath Liam's neck and upper back with her hand, whilst she stretches to the left to grab at the small cup sitting there. She quickly fills it up with the water, wrinkling her nose when her sleeve falls down her forearm and is forced to make the best of the situation and lean down, biting the fabric and dragging it back up above her elbow, making Liam giggle even though she's not sure a three month old can even understand what that means.

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