Chapter 22

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Lisa licks the roof of Chaeyoung's mouth before breaking the kiss, moving to gently nip her way down Chaeyoung's jawline, neck, collarbone and cleavage. She bites back the smile when fingers tangle into her hair, urging her closer and slowly slips her tongue, tracing a wet path across a pale breast to a pink nipple, where she flicks across it. Listening to the moan coming from the body above her, her hands glide down to the underside of Chaeyoung's thighs, fingers tightening their grip to shuffle the blonde closer in her lap, her tongue rolling around the soft flesh and sucking lightly.

"Lisa..."Chaeyoung moans, grinding her hips defiantly as her nails graze against Lisa's scalp.

Releasing with a soft smack, Lisa glances up, smirking as her fingers slide underneath the edge of Chaeyoung's panties. Massaging gently, her eyes stay focused on the way Chaeyoung’s eyes flutter shut, pink lips pop open and soft groans of appreciation tumble from them.

"You're so fucking gorgeous," she murmurs, her hands sliding down to where Chaeyoung's ass meets her thighs and stretching her middle finger out, the top gliding over a slick entrance and teasing tantalisingly.

Chaeyoung's body arches into her, breasts pushing roughly against her own as both their breathing grows shallow. Touching the blonde has always been erotic, but being able to do it like this, and being able to physically watch how Chaeyoung reacts to her touches is like the highest level of arousing that can actually be reached with a single finger.

"Jesus, Lisa," Chaeyoung bites her bottom lip - hard- when Lisa applies a little more pressure, and runs her finger up Chaeyoung's slit as far as she can get without removing her arm and starting from the front. "I need you."

Lisa arches a brow, lifting her hips and rocking them to add a little more pressure until her finger sinks in, only the tip, but enough to make Chaeyoung groan loudly and for her cock to grow about another two inches. She lifts her heads, catching lips between her own and licking her way through teeth until their tongues tangle sloppily.

All the finesse of their usual kisses has gone, but then again, they are so horny and into what they're doing that they're probably going to have sex on the flour covered floor of the kitchen – so trying to keep the finesse in tact is definitely at the back of her mind.

Considering she's still sitting cross legged, it's pretty hard for Chaeyoung to reach her stiffening member when a pale hand glides down there, so she shuffles, kicking out her legs straight and making their lips bump together from the slight drop in height. They both giggle into the kiss, tongues retracting and lips still touching, but breaths trading from the giggles. Lisa dips her finger in a little further, feeling the tightness encase her skin and groans, like loudly, which makes Chaeyoung smile into the kiss.

Chaeyoung's hand dips between her own legs to reach between Lisa's, beneath the pyjama bottoms and curls her fingers around the brunette's stiff cock, gripping it firmly and rubbing in slow circles, grip tightening lightly at the base. They both groan when Lisa sinks her finger in knuckle deep, curling slightly and making Chaeyoung shudder with anticipation and arousal.

She can literally feel the arousal dripping from the blonde and it kind of makes her want to come right there and then, especially when Chaeyoung strokes her shaft faster and faster, enticing her to pick up the past and thrust carefully but surely inside of the blonde.

They start moving together, thrusting, rocking and grinding until Lisa knows that this isn't enough. Pressing one lingering kiss up, she slides her finger out, two groans of disapproval merging into one and completely releases her grip from Chaeyoung. The movement on her dick stops completely and she leans in quickly, to whisper in Chaeyoung's ear that she's only taking her top off.

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