SEASON 2 : Chapter 12

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Work's been hectic with Jennie releasing the first single of her second album next week, and the pile of paperwork on Lisa's desk just doesn't seem to be going down no matter how long she spends on it. Hence why Lisa's here in the recording studio at 10pm for the fourth time this week, stressed out her mind and wanting nothing more than a hug.

It's ridiculous, and she just wants to go home because she's got the most beautiful wife and baby boy waiting at home for her, but she can't. This stupid song needs editing and she's the only one, apart from Jennie, who knows what the end product needs to sound like. She and Jennie are the only one's who are fully qualified to operate the computer program to create the track and since Jennie's away on her damn honeymoon, the work's been left for Lisa.

Really, it's just fantastic.

The chair creaks as she leans forward, finger clicking the mouse to adjust the pitch on screen. Her head bobs to the beat playing through the single headphone pressed to her ear, and she shifts her elbow to lean her head in her chin. She's so into the music, and so focused on getting this finished tonight that she doesn't hear the door open behind her until it closes and she spins around, still holding the headphone to one ear to find Chaeyoung leaning against the door, a smirk on her face and hands playing with the tie on her long jacket.

Lisa brings her head back, surprised by her wife's arrival but definitely happy because of it. "Hey, baby. What are you doing here?" Her mind registers the lack of Liam with her and she scrunches her eyebrows together. "And where's Liam?"

"Hey," Chaeyoung draws, pushing off the door and sauntering towards Lisa, throwing both legs over her hips to straddle her in the chair. "He's with my mom," she murmurs lowly, toying with the fine dark hair at the back of Lisa’s neck. "And I was missing you so I thought I'd come see you. Is that okay?"

"Definitely," Lisa replies, nodding and sliding her palms up her wife's thighs but still slightly intrigued as to why the blonde's here.

Except she's so distracted with that thought that she doesn't visually notice the lack of clothing beneath Chaeyoung's jacket until her hand slips to the inside of a strong thigh and the back of her finger feels wet heat. A gasp pops from her lips and she widens her eyes, using her other hand to lift up the bottom of Chaeyoung's jacket to peer beneath it; and just like she thought, there's nothing beneath the coat. No pants, no shorts, no underwear.

Holy shit.

"Chae," she breathes, her stomach coiling and pants tightening already as her fingers twist and slide through wet heat again, just to make sure.

Chaeyoung giggles naughtily and grins down at her, eyebrow lifting and body arching into the touch. "Like I said," she repeats, already leaning down, hand sliding around to linger on Lisa's jaw to meet her halfway. "I missed you."

There's not a moments hesitation before Lisa's surging forward, their mouths crashing together and tongues delving into mouths. Arousal punches through her and her hands up to the tie keeping Chaeyoung's jacket together to pull it open. There's a little struggle, but then she's tearing it open and pushing it down Chaeyoung's arms and then her wife's naked in her lap, smirking down at her with dark brown eyes. It's got to be the hottest thing like, ever and a flush scorches across her skin, settling low in her belly as her palms glide down a smooth back, over the curve of Chaeyoung's ass to grab the flesh there, squeezing and massaging it.

Chaeyoung whimpers into her mouth and she smirks, her hips jerking up into a downward grind. She shifts her hands, grasping the underside of Chaeyoung's thighs and pushes up to stand, allowing long legs to wind around her waist. The nearest horizontal surface is the table with the computer and MIDI on top, and there's barely any space but she couldn't really give a fuck about that right now. So she moves over there, dropping Chaeyoung onto the edge, the legs slipping from around her hips to her thighs. Chaeyoung's back presses into the machine, and they both begin giggling into the kiss as the computer makes a weird beeping noise. Their teeth bump and noses nudge, and Lisa pulls away, panting through her chuckles.

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