Chapter 30

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"You can come with us you know. We're only going to Namsan Park."

Jackson grins and nods, releasing Lisa from the hug.

"I know," he glances around the streets of Seoul and raises his hand to hail a cab. Lisa sees his eyes slide to her briefly. "But I think you two need some nice alone time."

Chaeyoung sticks out her lower lip in a small pout and Lisa doesn't even try fighting the huge grin that spreads across her face. She knows that Chaeyoung loves Jackson, and in some weird way, they're basically already brother and sister, so she understands Chaeyoung's disapproval to saying goodbye to him so soon. They've known each other for most of their lives and always treated one another with tender care and sibling kind of love. Jackson practically worships the ground Chaeyoung walks on, and has always treated her as her little sister.

"I'm gonna miss you, Park," Jackson smiles and steps forward, opening his arms for an embrace.

Chaeyoung leans into it, her arms snaking around his neck and face burying into the crook of it. Lisa tilts her head to the side, admiring the view because it is quite a rare one, and her heart inflates when she realizes just how easy proposing to Chaeyoung is going to be. Chaeyoung's already part of the family, and pretty much always has been. The only thing that needs officially changing is her name.

Lisa's heart skips a beat at the thought of signing Park-Manoban' inside of 'Manoban.'

Chaeyoung pulls away first, enough to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "I'll miss you too."

"Alright," Lisa's brother steps back and she swears she sees a tear well in the corner of his eye. A giggle almost bursts through her lips but she bites down on her tongue, keeping it in because sure, it would be pretty amusing to see the sheer embarrassment etch its way across his face, but him crying is just him letting down his guard a bit. She never gets to see it, but with Chaeyoung it's different; Jackson and Chaeyoung have always had a connection that she's never managed to understand.

A cab pulls up on his second wave, and he throws Lisa a quick smile, leaning in to peck her cheek before he hugs Chaeyoung again.

"I'll see you guys soon," he says, winking at her. "Look after her, Lisa!" He points to Chaeyoung as he slides into the cab and leans in slightly to mutter something to the driver.

"You're supposed to tell her to look after me, brother!" She says playfully when he winds down the window.

Leaning out of it, Jackson rests his chin on his forearms and grins. "Nah, I love her more so you should look after her."

Lisa tries to tilt forward to smack her hand across his head, but fingers curl around her wrist and she's pulled into Chaeyoung's body, front to front. Her chest bumps against her girlfriend's and then arms loop around her neck, her hands instantly finding purchase on Chaeyoung's hips as they watch the cab peel away from the curb, temples pressed together.

"I guess I love you too, sister," he winks and then looks between them briefly. "Remember, do it soon and good luck."

She swears her eyes widen comically, but to hide it she suck in her lips and nods, concealing the large smile threatening to stretch across her face. Every time she thinks of proposing her stomach flips and it's like a million butterflies are fluttering around her insides, bumping against the walls and flying together to create this huge buzzing feeling that crawls across the expanse of her skin and sinks in through her pores.

"What was that?" Chaeyoung asks when the cab turns around the corner and out of sight.

"Nothing," Lisa laughs, reaching up to brush Chaeyoung's hair away from her face. "He just said he guesses he loves me too and wishes me good luck with the label and everything."

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