SEASON 2 : Chapter 6

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It's like any other day in Seoul, and they're walking through Namsan Park, Lisa's hand tightly clutched around Chaeyoung's because now that Chaeyoung's pregnant and visibly showing a bump, she just can't seem to keep her hands off her. Whether it's holding her hand, wrapping her arm around her, twisting their arms together or even just touching her, she just has to have some kind of contact. She doesn't feel comfortable without it and Chaeyoung doesn't mind so it's all good.

So yeah, it's like any other normal day for them, and the sun is out, the sky is bright and the grass is green. They both have a day off, they're happy, they're in love and they're having a baby. Everything's perfect, and nothing can ruin their day.

Well, that's what Lisa thinks until they run into a certain couple.

Lisa notices them first, and stops in her tracks as Miyeon laughs and looks around, meeting her gaze. Her entire body stiffens and Chaeyoung stills beside her, feeling the reaction and shooting her a questioning stare. Except Lisa is so shocked that her ex-wife and her boyfriend are here―that she and Chaeyoung are that unlucky―that she can't even tear her eyes away from the other couple and just ends up gazing at them. This of course gives a clear indication of her stopping and Chaeyoung sees them a second Miyeon and Taeyong reach them and just stands back, her free hand coming up to rest on her bump.

And that makes Miyeon's eyes zoom immediately to Chaeyoung's stomach, locking onto and noting that she's pregnant. Lisa, for her part, just continues staring, shocked and confused. Weren't they supposed to be in Tokyo?

It's all awkward for at least a minute or two, because no-one knows what to say or how to react so they end up just looking at each other, taking in the subtle physical differences that have occurred over the past few years. Miyeon looks so stressed, with faint stress lines forming on her forehead and she looks like she just needs a few good nights sleep. Taeyong's standing there in scuffed jeans and a leather jacket, and his hair is way too long to even look remotely cool (not that it ever was before) and he's got an overgrown stubble that can't quite pass for a respectable beard. He looks like he's been dragged through the relationship dirt and came out the other side tired and worn out.

Lisa almost chuckles. Miyeon really was hard work and she almost feels poor for Taeyong, but then she remembers how much of a douche he is and any sympathy she felt vanishes immediately.

"Wow," is the first word that anyone speaks and of course it's Miyeon and she's still staring at Chaeyoung's bump. "You're pregnant."

Lisa bites back a scathing comment about how obvious that is, and instead reaches over with her free hand to lay it on top of a pale one, reassuring Chaeyoung and herself. "Uh, yeah. Twenty weeks," she gets out, nodding.

Chaeyoung shifts beside her awkwardly and squeezes their still tangled fingers together a little tighter, silently telling her that it's okay. When her eyes return back to Miyeon though, she sees dark green eyes narrowed at Chaeyoung, and Chaeyoung's staring straight back, seeming more and more uncomfortable the longer Miyeon glares.

"So," Lisa pipes up, wanting to break her ex-wife's glare. "How... have... you two been?" She lands on, nodding to herself. "I thought you were in Tokyo?"

"We were," Miyeon replies, shifting her weight. "But it wasn't what we were expecting so we moved back here."

Taeyong mutters something beneath his breath about "by we you mean you" and Miyeon whips her head around to glare at him. Aren't they just a beaming representation of a healthy relationship.

"You two have an apartment here in Seoul, then?" Lisa presses on, knowing it's too early to leave but wanting to get away as quickly as possible. The last thing she wants to do on her day off with her hot, pregnant wife is to speak to two people in her past. They're in her past for a reason and they're sure as hell going to stay there. Lisa just needs to come up with a way of getting out of this situation. Fast, preferably.

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