Chapter 28

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Lisa wakes up in the morning, breathing out an airy sigh and feeling thickness coat the tunnel of her throat. After several minutes of stomach-aching laughter last night, she and Chaeyoung managed to acquiesce to Jisoo's request and smother the giggles with soft kisses and slow drags of tongues along the roof of each other's mouths. God knows how, but they also managed to keep their hands to themselves; probably due to the sheer embarrassment they felt for having Jisoo call them out on sexy times.

But hey, they were enjoying it so fuck it.

"Chaeng?" she croaks out; blindly reaching with her left (and also injured) hand to meet nothing but cool sheets. Muffing a groan into her pillow, she inhales deeply and uses all the energy she can summon at this time in the morning – even though she has no idea what time that is – to flip herself over. Just in case Chaeyoung's decided to snuggle the tent door instead of Lisa.

But nope. She's the only one inside and it kind of pulls a whine to bubble from her lips. Waking up without Chaeyoung sucks now; because she knows how fucking amazing it feels to wake up with her and stare at pink lips, creamy skin and then bright, piercing brown eyes hooded with fatigue. Even in the morning Chaeyoung manages to be painfully beautiful.

"Babe?" She tries again, slouching forward and shuffling until she's sitting with her legs out in front of her; sleeping bag tangled around her thighs.

Rubbing the ache out the back of her eyes with her knuckles, she manages to push away the grogginess tugging at the back of her mind and listen to her surroundings. Sure enough, she hears that heavenly chuckle that makes Lisa smile even when she's just woken up; and that's pretty hard to do. Just ask everyone that isn't Chaeyoung. The only times she's ever smiled in the morning when she's just been woken is when the blonde is around her or kissing her into consciousness.

She seriously wishes that happened instead of what actually happened.

Throwing the sleeping bag off her legs – which actually takes longer than anticipated because somehow the zipper has sucked in the edge of her boxer shorts and now it's fucking stuck – she clambers to her feet, feeling her joints pop back into place and basically falls out the tent entrance. Stretching herself up to her full height, fingers reaching towards the sky, she yawns widely and paps her mouth together a few times to push away the dryness chapping her lips.

(She glances down quickly and thanks the lord that she and Chaeyoung thought getting dressed last night before falling asleep was a good idea.)

"Lisa!" Chaeyoung calls from across the burned out fire pit; where she's sitting cross legged on the floor, huddled up in a blanket with Jennie and Jisoo cuddled in front of her.

They're sipping on travel Thermos cups and as Lisa heads closer, and notices that Chaeyoung's is still basically full; she guesses it's probably one of Jisoo's herbal teas. They taste like crap; but Chaeyoung's way too polite to ever say anything.

"Morning beautiful," Lisa says, grinning as she steps behind Chaeyoung and sits down, pushing her legs either side of her girlfriend's body.

Shuffling forward until there's no space between her chest and Chaeyoung's back, she presses a quick, soft kiss to the piece of skin showing where Chaeyoung's neck meets her shoulder and then rests her chin upon it. It's only now that she realizes the strange, half-embarrassed, half-amused looks she's getting.


Jennie looks to Jisoo, who looks back and then towards Lisa. "You are aware what happened last night, right?" The smaller brunette says, ears tinging pink.

Lisa smirks, because hell yeah she remembered. She slides her hands around Chaeyoung's waist, resting them upon her stomach and only seconds later pale fingers slide through hers; tangling together tightly. Her stomach flips almost uncontrollably but she keeps her cool, feeling Chaeyoung lean back into her body and relax.

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