Chapter 21

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Waking up the next morning is probably one of the worst and most amazing experiences she's ever had.

The first thing that pops into her mind when something stirs her from her slumber, is whether or not last night was a dream and that now maybe, she's lying on Jennie's couch, alone and still wallowing in her own self pity.

Except that thought is pretty much erased when she realizes that one - whatever she's sleeping on is way too comfortable to be the Rubyjane sofa, and two - there's a tingling warmth in the palm of her hand and an arm strewn across her chest that - when she rubs her eyes with her spare hand - she realizes can't be her own.

So her emotions pretty much run from panicked, almost to the point where she could have a cold sweat, to relieved and in love. After yawning and tilting her head from side to side to try and crick her neck, she glances down and her heart flips over when she sees Chaeyoung sleeping in the same position she fell asleep in last night. Pretty unusual considering Lisa's always been a wriggly kind of sleeper, Chaeyoung too, now she comes to think of it.

Doesn't matter though, together they sleep perfectly. Reinforces the idea that they're perfect together.

Lisa lifts one arm, fingers tracing the outline of Chaeyoung's eyebrow, cheek, nose, around her top lip and then down to her jawline. She just lays there for a few seconds, watching the woman in her arms and taking in all of her beauty. For so long she's been pretending that she doesn't notice it, that she's trying to make up for lost time.

A creak on the floorboards in the hallway breaks her out of her stupor, and snapping her head up, she watches two foot shaped shadows underneath the door gap, linger a second before three knocks echo through the room. Sure, she's pretty curious to who it is, but she doesn't know who comes into Chaeyoung's apartment and who doesn't - Chaeyoung's so damn friendly it could be the mail man dropping in for a cup of tea. And she highly doubts someone would be breaking in broad daylight, and then proceed to linger outside the bedroom before knocking.

She glances down to Chaeyoung in her arms, momentarily distracted by parted pink lips and the adorable expression on her face, and then towards the door - inwardly debating whether to wait until they come into the room, or whether she should just go out there. Taking Chaeyoung into consideration, she decides to go to them, and slowly rolls, pressing Chaeyoung onto her back - ignoring the groan from loss of contact - and presses her lips to a pale forehead before untangling their limbs from the sheets and slipping out the bed.

The knockings get more insistent as she pads towards the door bare footed, and she already knows by the obnoxiously annoying rapping who it is. There's only one person who would knock on a door this many times without barging in because only then would they consider it rude.

Lisa swings open the door carefully, making sure it doesn't knock on the dresser behind it and steps out, moving the other person back before closing the door softly and turning to the intruder.

"Jisoo," she says monotonously, arms crossing over her chest.

The smaller brunette jerks her head back a little, eyes wide and expression confused. "Lisa?"

She looks down at herself, clad in pajamas and back up again. "Looks like me, doesn't it?"

"Considering you've just walked out of Chaeyoung's bedroom, I am surprised you're in a bad mood, Lisa."

Lisa arches a brow, shaking her head from side a little and says, "What do you want, Jisoo?"

Jisoo smoothes her hands down the front of her hideous argyle skirt and straightens her back. "I came to talk to Chaeyoung, actually. I tried to get in contact with her last night, but I couldn't get a hold of her." Her eyes flicker towards the door and then back towards Lisa, "But I can see she was... busy," she raises an eyebrow suggestively,"with you."

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