Chapter 25

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The shrill sound of her phone ringing wakes Chaeyoung up in the morning.

Grumbling, she squints open her eyes, forcing the groggy feeling at the back of her brain away and reaches over towards her phone. It's about an inch away from her fingertips when she feels someone shuffle closer into her back, the arm around her waist tightening and she grins.

Fuck the phone, she thinks, turning her head and trailing an invisible path up perfectly manicured nails, smooth forearms and toned biceps with her eyes. Finally, she settles on Lisa's face, marveling at it in all its perfection.

Even sleeping Lisa is painfully beautiful. With dark locks cascading over the white pillows, perfect, pouty lips slightly parted as airy breaths escape them and flawless skin cover every inch of her body. Sometimes Chaeyoung doesn't get how Lisa can call her beautiful when mirrors exist.

"Quit staring," Lisa mumbles sleepily, eyes remaining shut. "It's rude."

Chaeyoung feels her entire face light up and chuckles, her available hand reaching out to trace an invisible line around the curve of Lisa's brow, down her cheekbone and along the rim of her upper lip. "I can't help it."

Lisa scrunches up her face, a smile tugging at her lips as she groans and shuffles backwards, loosening her arms from around Chaeyoung. "You're so cheesy."

"Like a cheesy puff," Chaeyoung responds, ignoring her insistent ringtone and rolls until they're facing each other.

She watches slowly as Lisa opens her eyes, revealing the most intense, beautiful dark brown eyes that she's ever known to man. There's something so wonderfully mysterious about them that it kind of makes her want to melt into a puddle of love. She loves the way that one second they can be staring at a Chihuahua (Lisa totally hates them) with a hard, angry edge and then the next, they're aimed at her and they're soft, dreamy and like melted chocolate.

"Hey," she whispers out, nudging their noses together as Lisa’s hand sneaks across to her hip, gripping it as their legs tangle together.

Lisa grins sleepily, squinting one eye against the intruding sunlight. "Hello beautiful."

Blushing, Chaeyoung ducks her head into the crook of her girlfriend's neck, tucking her hands beneath her own chin as they press closer together. "Hi," she whispers shyly, lips brushing across the hollow of Lisa's neck.

"You already said that," Lisa replies, running her hand through blonde locks. Chaeyoung shuts her eyes at the sensation, feeling love and warmth spread across her body and tingle at the base of her spine. "But hello again."

They lay there silently for a few minutes, Lisa’s hand running through Chaeyoung's hair as she breathes in Lisa's scent. She knows she's got to be at work in like, an hour, but the mix of sweet, floral perfume and silky skin coming from Lisa is just making her mouth water with desire.

Licking her lips, she leans forward and presses a soft kiss to Lisa's throbbing pulse point, loving the way it jolts under her touch. Slowly, she moves up, trailing kisses along a defined jawline and up her girlfriend's chin until her top lip brushes against Lisa's bottom.

A quick make out session won't make her late, right?

She pulls back, meeting smiling brown eyes and it almost makes her want to faint with how adoringly they're staring at her. It's ridiculous that for sixteen years, they've been staring at her exactly the same way, but neither of them really noticed. Well, neither of them gave the chance to notice. Too caught up in other things she guesses.

"Morning," she chirps again, leaning forward to press her lips to Lisa's.

For long moments they barely move their lips, content with the mere feeling of them touching but then she feels a hand slide down to her ass, grabbing the curve joining her butt and thigh and pulling until she rolls and lies directly on top of Lisa.

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