The New Team

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Fury sat in his office; his desk covered in various bit of paperwork, reports and files. He rubbed his head to try and shake the headache that had been building since Coulson had phoned...

When exactly had this become part of his job he wondered. He was the director of SHIELD; charged with saving the world and defeating villains. Babysitting was definitely not part of his job description.

He grabbed the file which had been sent down from medical. Upon relocating his missing team of Avengers, Coulson had taken them all directly to SHIELDs medical bay for assessment. They had summarised that the 'world's mightiest heroes' had been regressed to different stages of childhood by an unknown substance.
Well, Fury himself could have told them that!

He read on:

Steve Rogers 'Captain America':
- Regressed to the age of 12 years old.
- Severe asthma.
- Under nourished.

Thor Odinson:
- Regressed to the age of ten years old (approximate earth-age equivalent).

Tony Stark 'Iron Man':
- Regressed to the age of nine years old.
- Slight sleep deprivation.
- Behaviour suggests possible ADHD.

Clint Barton 'Hawkeye':
- Regressed to the age of seven years old.
- Evidence of recent but healed fractured bones.

Natasha Romanoff 'Black Widow':
- Regressed to the age of five years old.
- Understands and speaks English. - Several injuries and broken bones including: four broken ribs, fractured wrist, black eye and severe bruising.

Dr Bruce Banner 'The Hulk':
- Regressed to the age of two years old.
- Otherwise completely healthy – no evidence of gamma radiation or of 'Hulk' capabilities.

He shut the file and sighed loudly. This needed fixing and fast!

"Director Fury, you called me?"

Pepper's voice startled Fury; he looked up to see her stood in his doorway; she looked smart in her suit, but concern was plastered all over her face.

"Has something happened? Tony? The others? Are they okay?" she stammered.

"Yes... No... Well... Sort of" – Fury really didn't know where to start. But was saved from trying to figure it out by a small knock on the door.

They both turned to see Phil Coulson waiting, he entered Fury's office, smiled politely at Pepper, then turned to Fury: "They're all done up in medical sir"

Fury nodded. "Please fill Ms Potts in on the situation, we'll need her help on this one" he stated matter of factly, before turning to leave his office, preventing Pepper asking him any complicated questions that he really didn't have the answers to. Phil can handle that he thought as he stalked up the narrow corridor.

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