The Cure

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Darcy had gotten loads of pictures of Natasha in the pink glittery clothes she bought, although Natasha wasn't very happy about it, there was a lot of shouting screaming and Darcy had gotten a few bruises and scratches but she had somehow gotten Natasha into multiple pink outfits. After emerging with the photos Darcy was smiling menacingly. She was picturing Natasha adult face when she saw the pictures. She was planning on taking more but somehow all of the pink clothes disappeared with Darcy only managing to recover a few items she found dotted around the place. Which Natasha refused to wear.

After the kids woke up the next morning pepper gave the kids breakfast breakfast and Phil fed Bruce whilst Maria, Darcy and Jane cleared up and put a film on in the lounge.

Suddenly Peppers phone rang an she left the room. A few minuets later she came back tears in her eyes but she blinked them away. The others couldn't tell if she was happy or sad but they were pretty she they knew what she was going to say. After the kids were all watching the movie. She breathed in deeply and said in almost a whisper "they've found it" she swallowed and decided to compose herself. "They've got the cure" she said as loud as she could.

The adults sat around the table in silence no of them really knowing what to say. "Well at least we're gonna see our friends again" Phil said. "Yeah and the world can see the avengers again, we're gonna have to think of one hell of a story that doesn't make them look bad" replied Maria. "And we get to see our boyfriends again" Jane said to Pepper. "We get if you both have boyfriends not need to brag" Darcy joked.

They all got the kids ready and entered the jet. They buckled them all up and they all sat talking quietly. The adults just couldn't stop starting at their cute little faces. "Ok" said Pepper "how are we gonna get them to the doctors?, what happening?, whats our story?"
"Well let's just say they need a check up" said Jane
"I don't think that'll work" replied Maria
"Especially scene as Natasha hates the doctors" said Pepper.she was still determined to know why.
"Ok let's say it's a test to see who's the bravest and strongest and the winner gets a prize" said Phil " they'll all be determined to be the best"
"That could work" said Darcy but she was glancing nervously at Natasha.

They walked up to the kids. "Ok guys" said Pepper "we're going to see a doctor and he's going do to a test on you,ok" they could see the Natasha Face filled with fear. "It's ok Nat it'll be fine"said Jane "He's just gonna do a test to see who's the best child and the winner gets a treat" said Darcy as convincing as she could.

They all looked at each other with a look like I'm going to win this. But Natasha still looked very nervous. As they got off the jet. Pepper was holding Natasha and Clint's hand, Phil was holding Bruce and Steve was walking behind him, Maria was holding Tony and Thor was holding both Darcy and Jane's hand as they swung him back and forward.

They walked into the building and was greeted by Fury. "Thank god we're getting our agents back, the world needs to see the avengers" he look like he was almost smiling. The adults stared in shock.

They walked down the plain halls before arriving at the office. They placed each kid on a bed and then waited for the doctor. As he walked in with a tray of needles, Pepper flat Natasha hand tighten on hers.This was the most scared she had ever seen Natasha she was just staring at the needles. She could hear her whispering to herself 'needles, not needles, I hate needles , not again' she looked at her, there was clearly a deeper story here but she wasn't going to take advantage of her friends age, she was going to ask when she was back to full size and hope she answered. "It'll be fine Nat a little prick, that's all" she said soothingly, whilst squeezing her hand. As he entered each child bed he drew the curtains and injected them. He got to Natasha and she squeezed Peppers hand so hard it went numb but after a few seconds of the needle being injected she fell asleep.

"So when they wake up they'll be big again" Darcy asked. "That's the idea" says the doctor. "How long till they wake up" asked Phil. "Three maybe four hours replied the doctor" before leaving. "Let's go get a coffee and wait with some biscuits " said Jane "great idea" said pepper and Maria nodded.

They had left a pair of clothes for each of them and some food. All they could do was wait for their friends to come back.

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