Natasha Awake

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Natasha opened her eyes and stared around her room, or part of a room, she was in a hospital room with the curtain around her bed closed she was naked apart from some underwater though with some shreds of what looked like clothing for a five year old girl littered around her. She got changed into the clothes next to her. They were hers from the tower so she must have been asleep for a while. She looked at her phone which was next to her. Wait that was impossible all she remembered was the explosion but her phone said it was over two months later.

She opened the curtain and found her team all lying in their underwear unconscious. I needed answers but first I needed coffee, so I walked down to the Shield coffee lounge and was about to walk in when she heard people talking about her. She quickly looked in carful not to let anyone know she was their. Inside was Coulson, Pepper, Jane,Maria and Darcy.

"They were all so cute" said Darcy, "I know I'm going to miss them like that" says Jane. "But they were a huge handful, maybe ill get some sleep now" says Phil. "I must say it'll be great to see Nat with her confidence back, especially at the start she was so shy and nervous and covered in bruises" said Pepper.

At the start of what thought Nat and she didn't remember having any bruises. She was very confused she decided to listen in a bit more before announcing her arrival.

"I can't help but wonder why she hated the doctor so much" added Pepper "I feel like theirs a story there."
There was but she wasn't very exited at the idea of telling it. "How long till the doctor said they would wake up" said Maria" another hour or so" replied Phil. "Well that calculation was clearly off." She said as she entered the room.

"Nat" said everyone as they turned and saw her. She was immediately tackled by everyone and forced into a group hug with me in the middle. "Nat thank god your back" said Pepper as they all dispersed "right Where did I go again?" She asked confused.

"Ummm it's a long story" she replied "we'll wait until the others are awake."

"Fine but you guys have a lot of explaining to do"said Nat "and what did you mean by at the start I was really shy and nervous, I'm never shy or nervous"

"Again a very long story" said Maria.

They went back up to the room.

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