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Fury led Darcy down a maze of narrow grey corridors. Each one as boring, blank and long as the last; how anyone found their way around here she had no idea.

"You understand that all of this is classified Miss Lewis? Which means no uploading videos to youtube and no photos on facebook... It's imperative this remains a secret"

"Right" Darcy said, subtly slipping her phone back into her bag. She was really looking forward to seeing them. She'd spent a lot of time at the tower over that last year and become good friends with The Avengers. Darcy often went out with Pepper, Natasha and Jane. She loved Clint's sense of humour and Tony's sarcastic wit. And of course Steve, she just loved Steve. She'd missed them over the last few months, she'd been worried too! The relief she felt now was almost overwhelming; she was positive she'd been called in to receive bad news when a private jet and a SHIELD escort had appeared to collect her.

"You know the basic parameters; Steve is the oldest, he's 12. Then Thor; we think he's about 10 though he tells us he's actually 315; some Asgardian thing... Tony is nine and Clint is seven. Natasha is five; though don't let her age fool you! And Bruce is about two. Steve is well behaved and responsible; the others are not. Thor is hyper, Tony is mischievous, Clint's manipulative and Natasha is sneaky. I never thought I'd say this; but I actually feel sorry for Pepper, Coulson and Hill!"

"So they've been looking after them for the past few weeks?"

"Yeah, the kids have scared off and terrorised anyone else who's been assigned to watch them. I'm hoping because you know them you'll have more of a chance"

"Oh okay, great. Where are Pepper, Phil and Maria now then?"

"Pepper had to go to Japan for some SI meetings; try not to bring her up too often, Natasha gets upset. And I needed Coulson and Hill in work today. We had an emergency."

They came to a halt outside a door; Darcy could hear a commotion going on inside. This was clearly the right room. Fury took a deep breath, offered her an uneasy nod and he opened the door.

Tony was chasing Thor round the table shouting. Bruce was sat on the floor covered in chocolate and wailing, while Steve was trying to reason with Thor and Tony to stop; though the screams and shouts from the other three essentially drowned him out.

"Stop!" Fury yelled; to which the three older boys obeyed. Steve picked Bruce up but his wails did not subside.

"What's going on in here?"

"Thor took the last piece of chocolate!" Tony answered

"I was still hungry!"

"Bruce wanted it so give it back!"

"Boys! Stop arguing. I'll go get some more chocolate just behave!" all four of the boys nodded, and Bruce's crying had stopped on the promise of more chocolate. Now all four of them had shifted their attention from Fury to the young girl stood slightly bewildered behind him.

"This, is your new babysitter; Miss Lewis" Fury announced happily.


"This is Darcy. Please behave!" Fury turned to speak just to Darcy as all four boys eyed her suspiciously; "I'm going to go grab some more food, and then I really need to try and find the other two. They've been missing for almost an hour"

"Okay sir, but you know; more chocolate might not be such a good idea..."

"Right, yeah, maybe... But it'll keep them quite. I'll be back in a minute"

Darcy smiled nervously at four of her closest friends who had absolutely no idea who she was.

Fury reappeared a few minutes later with more chocolates, sweets and cookies, but also had some fruit and granola bars in his hands for good measure. In the time he'd been gone none of the boys had moved or said a word; just stared at Darcy. It made her feel really uneasy; like they were analysing her and everything she did.
Tony and Thor gladly took the food from Fury; ignoring the fruit and granola bars completely.

Maria entered a minute later talking on the phone; all four kids ran over to her wearing cheerful smiles on their faces the hugged her tightly before returning to the food.

She covered the end of her phone to speak to Fury; "Where Tasha and Clint? Pepper is on the phone"

Fury did really not want to admit that he'd lost them; especially after all the grief he'd given the others about how simple childcare was. Maria figured it out anyway from his lack of response.

"You lost them didn't you? Pepper, I'll have to ring you back; Fury's lost them. Yeah I know, speak to you later. Bye"

She slammed her phone on the desk and rounded on her boss; "Seriously?! Why didn't you come and tell us?"

"I'll find them; I found them last time"

"They've gone missing more than once?! You've only had them for three hours! And I see you've had to call in help?" She asked gesturing to Darcy in the corner.

Darcy smiled awkwardly at them; Fury and Hill had always made her feel a little uneasy.

"You know she's not even security cleared! We asked to call he in months ago when this all started and you told us we couldn't!"

"The circumstances have changed Hill"

"Right, whatever. Fury; You stay here; me and Darcy will go find the others. Please don't lose any more of them! And kids; stay put! Ring me should they reappear here"

"Hill I think it would be better if someone else stayed here and I go look for-"

"You just want to get out of watching them. You assured us you could do it so stay here and we'll be back as soon as we can. I better text Coulson too... Come on Darcy"

And with that she turned and left the room, Darcy followed after Fury glared angrily at Maria. Wow, she thought no one ever stood up to Fury like that! She was impressed.

"Right, where will they be..." Maria though out loud.

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