Adults Again

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After all of the avengers had woken up and they had had their reunion the adult avengers were now demanding answers. So they explained how they had all turned into children for over two months. Then the room was shocked into silence.

"WHAT" Tony shouts finally breaking the silence.

"So your saying we not only physically de-aged but mentally as well" Steve questioned.

"That's incredible" says Bruce.

We handed out their medical reports from when they first came in. I could tell Nat looked a bit embarrassed about the injuries. Tony peaked over her shoulder and saw what was written and whispered "oh my god" and Nat quickly shut the file.
"What?" Questioned Clint after seeing Tony's face and everyone turned to look at Tony.
"Nat when she first turned small" Tony whispered

"Nat was very injured when she first came" said Pepper so everyone could hear.

"The red room" said Nat like that was a normal thing, but they could tell she didn't want to talk about it so they dropped it.

As they rode home on the jet, they told stories of the children avengers and everyone thought they were funny. And Darcy showed Nat the pink girly photos she'd gotten. She tried to snatch them from her but Clint and Steve held her down. Everyone was getting copies of those photos.

When they got back it was dark and everyone went to bed. It had been a long to months and they were finally all back together again and they had gotten to know the team a lot better and understand them more especially Nat. But sadly this adventure was over...

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