Rough Day

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Several days later and SHEILD had successfully transformed its largest conference room into a day care center. The walls were covered in pictures the kids had drawn and photos Natasha had taken. There was lego everywhere, jigsaws scattered over the tables and sweet wrappers overflowing from the trash can.

Darcy thought that she and Fury made a great team. Fury did the yelling and the stern glances, while Darcy played with them, tickled them and persuaded them to eat their veg. Today would be the last day they'd have to spend on the helicarier as Pepper was on her way home from Japan.
Darcy loved living in the tower and couldn't get enough of the kids, they were just irresistible. She and Maria actually got on really well and she already felt a part of the family.
She'd taken some photos of the kids on her phone and sent them to Jane now that she'd been informed of what was actually going on. Jane was desperate to come and see them but had a strict work schedule for the next few weeks.

As well as everything was going with the kids, SHIELD was not having so much luck. The emergency Fury had called Hill and Coulson in for (which Darcy unfortunately didn't have the security clearance to know about) had spiraled drastically out of control. All Darcy knew was how much Fury ranted about his two best field agents being 'not in a state to help', She'd noticed how much he hated to admit that they'd been reduced to children, even to himself.

His phone had been going off all morning and by 11 he'd had to excuse himself to his office; promising to send down another agent to lend Darcy a hand. An hour later, after the kids had guessed he wasn't returning and started running amok, Agent Parkinson arrived. He told Darcy he'd been sent to take the youngest two to Fury. Darcy found this strange as Natasha was perhaps one of the hardest to keep under control; especially (she'd learnt) when she wasn't with Clint, and Fury knew that. But she nodded, distracted, as she tried to separate Tony and Thor from their fighting while simultaneously trying to get Clint down from where he was hanging from the air vents in the ceiling.

An hour later a disgruntled looking Coulson arrived at the room, asking Darcy to take Clint down to medical. Darcy looked confused, so Coulson took her to one side to explain the situation;
Agent Parkinson had taken Bruce and Natasha to medical instead of delivering them to Fury. He'd specifically asked for the youngest two thinking they'd be the easiest and most compliant when it came down to running the tests medical wanted results for, not realising which members of the Avengers that included. Natasha had reacted badly to say the least; she'd broken Agent Parkinson's wrist (which almost everyone agreed he deserved) and retreated, with Bruce, to the far corner of the medical bay, threatening anyone who came even close with a scalpel.

Darcy looked at the man in disbelief;

"But why would Parkinson-"

"Medical have wanted to run more tests on the kids since this first happened, but Pepper, Maria and I refused. They were no signs that anything detrimental to their health had occurred and we didn't think it necessary. Clearly one of the medics had persuaded Parkinson these tests were needed and convinced him to take them there."

"Poor Tasha"

"Yeah, I can't think of any of the kids who would've reacted worse; she's terrified of the doctors, and who can blame her after her past? No one can get her to calm down, including me or Maria. We really need Pepper but she's not due to land for another few hours"

"So you want me and Clint?"

"Yeah, Clint and Pepper are usually the best to deal with her when she's freaked out, maybe take Tony too; Bruce is clinging to Natasha for dear life... I'll stay here with Thor and Steve"

"Right okay... And which way is medical?"

Darcy heard the commotion on the medical bay far before she reached it. Fury was yelling; literally screaming (Darcy had never heard anything more terrifying in her life) at Parkinson and several medical officers. He had just gotten to "YOU'RE ALL FIRED! NOW GET THE HELL OFF MY SHIP!" as Darcy rounded the corner with Clint and Tony. Clint stuck his tongue out at them as they filed past.

Maria greeted Darcy and spoke gently to Clint and Tony, explaining as best she could the situation and asking them if they thought they could calm down the other children. They were both eager to help and Darcy felt oddly proud of them as they disappeared down the medical bay, to return a short while later; Tony carrying a shaken looking Natasha, while Clint held Bruce's hand, who was rubbing at his teary eyes as he toddled between the two elder boys.

Fury apologised profusely to Hill, who was surprised her boss even knew the word 'sorry'.
Natasha wrapped her arms tightly round Tony's neck, who carried her the whole way back to the play room. Once there she retreated silently to the corner with Clint. Coulson raised his eyebrows in a silent question to Hill as they re-entered, to which she replied merely with an eye roll.

It had been a rough day so the nine of them left early with little complaint from Fury. They arrived back at the tower at the precise moment Pepper climbed out of her car; Natasha's eye lit up as she ran towards her, hugging her tightly. The other kids followed and Darcy took the opportunity to snap a photo with Natasha's camera, smiling at the happiness on all six of the kids faces.

With the events of the day instantly forgotten the kids and Pepper settled down on the sofas with hot chocolate and blankets to watch their Toy Story 2 DVD (it had to be 2; Natasha insisted there wasn't enough girls in the first).
Darcy ordered take out for dinner while Maria and Phil finished up their paperwork; Fury had agreed they could have tomorrow off to make up to kids what had happened today.

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