Pizzas here

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Phil and Maria helped Pepper get the six children back to the Tower. Pepper took Steve, Natasha and Clint, leaving Tony and Thor to Maria while Phil had the easy job of taking care of a sleeping baby Bruce.
Both Tony and Clint had launched into a hundred questions: "where are we going?", "why are we going there?" "how long will it take?" "can we have pizza and ice cream?" "are there video games?"
Thor offered an occasional comment aswell, insisting he loved pizza and was extremely hungry!
Both Steve and Natasha were silent, watching the others curiously, unsure of how to react.

All of the children were wearing clothes that were far too big for them; after being shrunk down to children, their clothes had unfortunately remained adult-sized.
Bruce was wearing just a diaper – Pepper can only wonder where on earth they found a diaper in SHIELD HQ?
Natasha had been left just wearing her adult-sized Tshirt, she was small for her age and it went all the way to her ankles. Clint was in a similar situation, but his Tshirt looked a lot less huge on him than Natasha's, reaching down to his knees.
Thor had taken adult-Clint's pants. He may be short, but he was still wide-set and muscular.
Tony had managed to pull his belt incredibly small in order to keep his pants up, and Phil had helped him roll the legs up so they could see his feet.
While Steve had ended up wearing adult-Natasha's spare gym clothes out of her locker. Of them all, he looked the best dressed. Although he, like all the others, was bare-foot.

Once they'd returned to the Tower, chaos ensued. Clint took Natasha by her non-injured hand and the two disappeared instantly. Tony was crazy-excited looking at all the 'cool junk' (as he'd put it) occasionally shouting out comments such as "WOW! That is SO cool!" and "I HAVE to have one of these!"; darting unexpectedly from one end of the room to the other as something new caught his eye. Thor had made his way to the kitchen and had found 2 unopened boxes of pop tarts, ripping them open and eating like he'd never been fed! "These are incredible" he exclaimed as he opened the second box. All the commotion had woken Bruce, and although there was no 'hulking-out' to be afraid of, boy could he wail! Steve just looked at the three adults calmly. "Would you like me to find Clint and Natalia mam?" he asked Pepper, "Or perhaps try to stop the baby from crying?" he directed at Phil. Maria, Phil and Pepper looked at each other. At least they could count on Steve.

Maria tackled the food issue, she went to the pizza place two blocks over and ordered five pizzas with various toppings, and three garlic breads. "Got a lot of company?" the guy behind the counter asked, feigning interest. "Kids sleepover" was the only reply that she could muster up. She'd taken Thor and Tony with her, all three were glad to escape; Phil was having no luck calming down Bruce, the wailing getting louder and more high pitched as the crying baby gasped for breath. On the way to Joey's Pizza they'd stopped at the supermarket to pick up some diapers and various other bits you'd need for a baby. It had been decided the clothes issue would be addressed tomorrow; it was too late for clothes shopping now. But where everyone was going to sleep, Maria had no idea.

Phil cursed under his breath, sweat dripping down his forehead. He'd not been around babies much, well really, at all. And faced with a screaming Bruce, red in the race and snotty nosed, left Phil completely stunned. He had no idea what to do to calm him. He walked back and forth in front of the couch whispering "shush" and "its okay" over and over in Bruce's ear. It had just started to work as Pepper walked past with Steve, shouting "Clint! Natalia! Come out right now!"

"This isn't funny anymore!" Pepper shouted over the renewed screams and wails of Bruce. She was really starting to panic now. They'd been home less than half an hour and they'd lost 1/3 of the team. 'Think Pepper, think' she told herself over and over. But really, at five and seven years old Natasha and Clint had both been in difficult situations. Natasha in the Red Room, and Clint with his abusive father; Pepper had no clue what would be going through their heads, not to mention where on earth they'd think to hide!

"PIZZAS HERE!" Tony yelled, emerging from the elevator as he and Thor ran to the table, each carrying four large boxes. How they made it all this way without dropping at least one was beyond Pepper. Maria followed, bags in each arm filled with diapers, soothers, wipes and bibs.

Suddenly Clint and Natasha ran past Pepper, hand in hand, joining the others at the table. "Where the hell..?" she began, but at seeing the smiles on their faces, particularly Natasha's (she hadn't seen her smile yet today), she let it go.

They had a relatively peaceful meal. Phil after successfully getting Bruce to nap on the sofa joined the others. Steve was talking to Maria enthusiastically about a book he'd recently read, which just happened to be Maria's favourite. Clint and Natasha were sat together, sharing one chair and one plate, whispering to each other and laughing. Thor spoke to Pepper, often talking with his mouth full, a huge grin on his face. While Tony kept getting up to check on the sleeping Bruce, "just incase he wakes, I don't want him to think he's alone" he'd explained to Phil with a shy smile.

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