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Phil had organised to take Tony and Thor to a baseball game; they'd been following the Yankees games on the TV and were both extremely excited to see them play the Detroit Tigers. The other kids had been offered tickets but declined the offers; none of them were particularly interested in sport so Maria and Pepper had offered to take them to the aquarium instead.

Phil had treated both the boys and himself to new Yankees shirts for the day; Maria suspected he was more excited than the kids, but even she had to admit that they looked absolutely adorable in their matching shirts. Even if Thor had spilled egg down his before they'd even left the tower!
They arrived at the stadium in plenty of time so they could look around properly, visit the merchandise shops, take some photos to show the others and grab some hot dogs and popcorn before finding their seats. They had a great view of the game and the atmosphere was phenomenal. Neither of the kids had ever been to a baseball game before and they both decided it was definitely something they wanted to do again! By the end of the game the Yankees won; Tony and Thor were stood on their seats cheering and celebrating.

"Can we go again Phil? Please please please?"

"Yeah Phil, can we? It was so good! Please can you bring us again?"

"How about football or basketball or maybe hockey next time?"
Both boys nodded enthusiastically as Phil promised to take them to other sporting events in the future. It seems they'd found something they enjoyed almost as much as causing havoc!

Pepper and Maria took the other four children to the aquarium that morning, each of them were promised that if they behaved; they could chose something from the gift shop on their way out. Clint was extremely excited to see that they had penguins and Natasha liked the sea otters. Bruce squealed in delight as the fish swam closer to the glass where he was leaning, while Steve had taken up drawing and brought his new sketchpad along with him to draw some of the animals.

It had been a lovely day up until lunchtime. They were sat in the food court enjoying their lunch when Pepper looked up to see a familiar face headed her way. What were the chances?! Eight years she'd gone without seeing this woman and now twice in two weeks! She'd pretended not to see her while she whispered their cover stories to the table; the kids were more than used to playing along with them by now.

"Pepper! Hi again!"

"Hi Amanda, fancy seeing you here"

"Yeah! Small world eh? We're just here for Samuel's niece's birthday. It's all very boring really! And then I saw you sat over here and I thought yay! I just had to come over and meet your kids! What were their names again? Carl and Natalie?"

"Clint and Natasha. Guys, say hi to Amanda, I used to go to school with her"
They both obliged, but Pepper could see the cogs ticking in Natasha's brain, she'd worked out that Amanda was the reason Pepper hadn't rang to say goodnight last week, and Clint wasn't far behind her.

"They're both so cute!" Amanda exclaimed, squeezing Natasha's cheek "And these must be your nephews?"

"Yes, this is my sister Maria and her boys Steve and Bruce"

Maria and Steve smiled; making polite small talk to her, until Bruce spilled his drink and it went dangerously close to Amanda's, no doubt ridiculously expensive, white dress. She said her goodbyes and turned to leave; at what happened next Pepper didn't know whether to laugh or cry:

Amanda tuned and fell onto the table behind them, it was empty of people but their dirty plates remained; covering Amanda in left over beans, tomato sauce and half a pint of coke. One side of the table collapsed; buckling under her weight sending Amanda, still trying to regain balance, headfirst into a member of cleaning staff, knocking over his bucket of dirty water before landing on her back in the puddle. During the commotion Amanda had flung her handbag which was now sinking to the bottom of the sea lion enclosure. The whole cafeteria applauded and laughed loudly; Pepper was the only person in the whole place who was stood up; trying desperately to keep a straight face. Her eyes glanced to Natasha and Clint who were, not so subtly, giving each other a high five.

Amanda's husband had appeared by now; as Pepper watched him help her up she realised why she'd fallen, and so dramatically at that. Clint and Natasha had, somehow, and god knows when, tied her shoes together. Part of her wanted to thank them, though she knew she really shouldn't (especially not in front of Maria).
Pepper waved at her as Amanda glared in her direction while being escorted out of the food court. Well, at least Pepper didn't have to worry about having to speak to Amanda Pryce ever again!

Pepper treated Clint and Natasha to two presents each from the gift shop.

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