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Darcy wondered round the helicarrier; up and down corridor after corridor which all looked the same. It somehow wasn't as impressive as she'd been expecting; but then, these were just all offices and conference rooms. There must be a whole other area of the ship which is much more interesting... and that's exactly what Clint and Natasha much have thought too...

Maria would bet anything that Clint and Natasha had been using the air vents; she knew they sometimes used them as adults to get around the helicarrier and they had definitely used them more than once back at the tower. Every damn room she'd checked was empty, they weren't in the mess hall or the restrooms and she was coming to the end of this section of the ship. They'd definitely gone to seek out something more interesting; and if Maria was honest, she couldn't blame them.

Darcy was hitting away at a security pad trying to figure out the passcode to get through a big steel door when she heard a little voice; "The code is 47713" she looked frantically round her; it was definitely Clint's voice.

Suddenly Clint dropped from the ceiling landing softly beside her, Natasha followed. "Did you forget it?"

"Yes, yes I did. Thank you. How do you know the code?"

"We watched" Natasha answered.

"Very clever, you know you two will make great spies one day" she smiled down at them. "Hey, i'm kind of lost, would you two help me find my way back?"

"Sure, where you wanna go?" Clint smiled back.

"There's a room somewhere, with four other children in it. You know them?"

The two nodded, but now looked at her suspiciously.

"Well I need to get back there, please could you help me?"

They two looked at each other, silently communicating in the exact same way as their adult selves did. They nodded simultaneously; each took one of her hands and dragged her back down the hallway.

Darcy watched them with a smile; Clint's messy blonde hair was sticking up at odd angles, his smile was sweet and his grey eyes took in every detail. Natasha skipped happily by his side, her hair was incredibly long; swinging side to side as she went. He eyes shone brightly with mischief and she smiled happily. They were both dusty from the vents but neither seemed to mind.

When they reached their destination Phil and Maria were both there arguing with Fury; "do you have any idea exactly how big this ship is?!"

"Ah hem" Darcy cleared her throat to alert the others to her presence.

"How did you-"
"Where were-"
"How'd you manage-"

"Oh you know, I have a way with kids"

Natasha and Clint dropped Darcy's hands and ran towards the pile of empty chocolate wrappers and sweet packets; "You didn't save us any?" Clint whined to the others.

"We saved you some fruit" Thor smiled back as he finished the last cookie.

Natasha stuck her tongue out at Thor and strode off to stand by Maria. Clint threw an apple; hitting Thor in the head and knocking him off the end of the table he was perched on.

Maria took Natasha and Clint off to speak to Pepper on the phone while Phil went to get some proper food for lunch. Darcy and Steve cleared the big table of rubbish, paper and pens, and dismantled Thor's tower in order to set the chairs up properly. Soon enough all six children were sat around eating sandwiches and chatting enthusiastically to each other.

Fury had gone back to his computer and Phil had disappeared to a meeting with his team. Maria stood with Darcy and smiled at her.

"I make you nervous don't I?"

Darcy was a bit shocked at the abruptness of the question; "N-no, not at all"

"I know I do, but if you're in on this, you're going to have to spend a lot of time with me, so try and relax"

"Right, okay, thanks" she smiles "Do they always-" she gestured to the table

"Yeah, Clint and Natasha always sit on one chair at dinner, share a plate, they even sleep in one bed. They're really close"


"You won't be saying that long. They're all cute when they're behaving nicely, but when they're not; you'll be pulling your hair out. Darcy you need to understand the pressure of watching them; they're superheroes - many villains wand them dead or wish them harm. We have to be vigilant to make sure nothing happens to them, and no one find out about them. Right now they're vulnerable and if anyone does find out; they'd become a target"

"I understand"

"Good. I really must get back to work. Here's my mobile number, please call me if anything happens"

Darcy nodded before turning back to watch the mini-avengers eating their lunch. She couldn't help but stare; they were just too cute.

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