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Jane had gone to the toy store to pay off the $900 bill with Shield's expense account, she offered her apologies and assured the staff once more that they weren't in fact her kids. While she was there she grabbed a few bits; the kids had been so sorry about destroying the store they'd attempted to make breakfast in bed for the adults; Phil got an overflowing bowl of cereal and too strong coffee from Bruce and Tony, Maria and Darcy each got some lovely toast and jam from Steve, Clint and Natasha attempted to make egg on toast for Pepper but both were undercooked, and Thor made Jane pop tarts.

She dropped the new toys off at the tower before going out for dinner with Pepper; Maria and Darcy were in charge of the kids today

"Look what Lady Jane got for me!" Thor showed the others proudly, interrupting the game Clint, Tony, Natasha and Steve were attempting to teach Bruce

"Oh cool! Let's have a look!" Tony said enthusiastically, giving up with the game they were playing

The six of them went into the spare room, which had become known as they play room recently with the amount of toys and games they'd acquired lately

They all watched eagerly as Thor unpacked his new magic kit, they practiced each trick and took it in turns before moving onto the next one

"Oh do this one!" Tony said excitedly, pulling out a pair of handcuffs and a red piece of cloth

Steve and Thor read the instructions but Tony was too eager and clicked them closed over his left wrist, and quickly reached over to wrap the other cuff round Natasha's right wrist and quickly close it

"Hey!" she complained, tugging her wrist away and causing them both pain

"It's too tight Tony"

"Alright, Thor will get it off in a minute"

"One moment"

"I don't get it"

"Let me look" Tony asked, reaching over and dragging Natasha with him; "Ooops, sorry Nat"

She scowled at him

"Look you just do this" he said trying to press a secret button somewhere to release his and Natasha's wrists, but nothing happened. He tried again and nothing...

"Oh look, there's a spare key in case the release doesn't work" Steve said, pointing at the instructions and searching the box for the key with Clint's help

"It's not here"


"I can't find it"

Thor looked apologetically at Tony and Natasha who were still handcuffed together

Maria popped her head round the corner to ask if they wanted any food, and Tony quickly hid his and Natasha's handcuffed hands behind his back and smiled politely when he told Maria he wasn't hungry

"Why didn't you tell her?" Natasha asked, "Maybe she could help?"

"We can't get into trouble again"

"But it's not our fault it's broken!"

"No, but what I didn't tell you was Maria told us not to play with the new toys until after dinner"

"Tony!" they all said in unison

"I'm outta here" Bruce said, and walked off to watch a film. Clint was extremely tempted to follow him but thought it best to stay seeing as Tasha was stuck in this mess

"We better fix it quick, Pepper and Jane will be back soon and they said we were going to play on the Wii together" Steve informed the others

Clint managed to steal a knife from the kitchen to try and get the cuffs open with, but that failed.

Natasha thought she could pick the lock with her hair grip, but she needed two hands and couldn't get the right angle she needed, and as much as she tried to talk the others through it; they just couldn't get it

Steve and Thor searched the whole floor for the key, but it was nowhere to be found

And Tony tried over and over to get the secret switch to work but he couldn't get it

"These are rubbish!" he declared as Pepper appeared in the doorway

"Hey guys"

"Oh hi Pepper"

"You want to come try and beat us on the Wii?"

"Pepper we-" Natasha began, but a glare from the others shut her up

"What is it Natasha?"


"We'll come find you when we finish this game" Tony finished quickly

She looked sceptically at Tony, then to Thor and Clint before looking back to Natasha; "Okay then, don't leave it too long if you want to play before dinner okay?"

They all nodded before she left

"What do we do now?" Natasha asked, rubbing at her wrist; Tony really had fastened it too tight

"If we could sneak past them we could go down to the labs and use acid to melt them

"I don't know..."

"We can't get into the labs anymore, remember" Clint reminded him

"What about the gym, there might be something in there we can-"

"It's off limits too" Steve told him


"What if we hid it until after dinner, they could give us the toys and we'll pretend it broke then"

"How are we going to eat dinner?" Natasha asked

"We'll just push our chairs really close together"

"But I eat with my right hand"

"Come on Tasha, pleaseeeee" Tony and Thor each gave her their best puppy dog eyes and she finally gave in

It wasn't the easiest meal, especially since Natasha and Clint still shared one chair at the table, and eating with her left hand was not only clumsy but she kept elbowing Clint

After dinner Darcy suggested watching a film

"Come on, let's watch Up!"

"What about the new toys?" Tony asked worriedly

"We can play with them tomorrow morning instead"

"But it's a talking dog!" Bruce exclaimed and the adults all laughed at his cuteness, and that was that

Natasha glared at him throughout the whole team, and as much as she didn't want to; she had to sit close by him the for the entire night

"Okay, bedtime" Phil informed them, ushering them off to get in their pygamas

"How do we do this?" Natasha asked Tony sarcastically


"How do you do what?" Darcy asked, appearing behind the two of them as they stood in the hallway

The two kids jumped closer together in shock as they hid the handcuffs

"N-nothing" Tony stuttered

"Well go on then; go get changed and then do your teeth"

They stood there for a moment; they were busted

"Hey guys, they finally caved!" Darcy called to the others

"Wow, almost five hours; I thought they would've killed each other by now!" Maria commented, approaching them from the lounge

"You knew?!"

"I noticed when I first came in to see if you wanted a snack" Maria told them with a laugh; taking a key from her pocket and unlocking the cuff from Natasha's red wrist

"And next time, if we say after dinner-"

"We know, we know!"

"Please don't tell us off, I've been punished enough!" Natasha begged, clinging to Darcy's hand

The two women laughed as Tony looked on outraged

"Bed!" Maria informed them both, sending them into their respective rooms

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