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Darcy spent most of the afternoon being briefed by Fury; she was not to publish any photos, videos or comments online, she was not to speak to anyone outside of SHIELD (apart from Pepper, and now Jane) regarding the current state of the avengers, and she was definitely not to speak to any reporters. Once that message had been repeated several times Fury got Darcy signed some paperwork to tie her to it.

"So Director Fury, how long exactly am I employed as 'babysitter'?"

"As long as we need you, I assume that won't be a problem?"

"Do I get paid?"

"I'm sure we can sort something out"


"Miss Lewis, you do remember our conversation about this being classified?"


"Good. I've spoken to Pepper, she's having a room made up for you at the tower. Though for the next few days you'll be watching the kids here on the helicarrier. We've learned from experience not to leave them with less than two adults"

"Okay... That sounds ominous"

"Just a precaution; so while Pepper is away and while Phil and Maria are here, it's down to me and you"

"So, if we're going to be here, can't we get some toys or something to occupy them with?"

"I'm having a SHIELD expense account set up for you; you can go shopping tomorrow morning"


"Try and spend wisely Miss Lewis, unlike some of the agents believe; we actually don't have unlimited funding"

"Right. Hey director Fury, would you mind if i spent some time talking to each of the kids alone; get to know them a bit better?"

Fury looked over his charges; Bruce was asleep, Clint and Natasha were sat on the floor chatting together quietly and Tony and Thor were discussing football. They were all being quiet and well behaved for now so he didn't see any harm in the absence of one adult from the room.

"Sure, but don't go any further than next door, and don't be too long?"

"Thanks, hey Steve, you wanna come with me first?"

"Okay mam"

"Oh Steve, please, don't ever call me mam!"
Steve took her hand, blushing slightly as they walked from the room.


"So Steve, the reason i brought you in here is because i'm going to go shopping tomorrow, to get you guys some toys to play with. What sort of things do you like to play with?"

"I think legos would be good; Tony like building stuff. And Clint likes them too. If Clint's happy then Tasha is happy, and Thor will play with anything"

"What about you Steve? What do you like to do?"

"I like to read, and i like to draw, but i have books and pens at home, you should spend the money on toys for the younger kids"

"Steve honey, I have enough money to get you all something, if you could have anything in the world what would you pick?"

Steve shrugged his shoulders, taking his time to mull over the question; like it was the most important one in the world. "I always wanted a bike" he admitted, his voice timid. "Bucky used to have a really neat one, it was blue and shiny. I always wanted one like that. But i guess that's inappropriate for in here..."

"Yeah, it is a little. But maybe we could get you one when the weather get's nicer; you could ride it in the park?"

"I'd really like that mam - erm, Darcy"

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