Dinner On Phil

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The three girls got back to the tower in record time. Natasha was slightly disappointed that they'd not been able to have lunch at the mall, but had been promised that she could have whatever she'd like if she helped them find the boys.

"Easy!" she'd responded with a confident smile.

As they departed the elevator onto the 63th floor, they came face to face with a truly flustered Agent Coulson. Maria's eyes grew wide at the sight of him. He'd never looked so panicked before, and both the women knew he'd faced terrible and horrific things in the past.

"Try not to panic Phil" Pepper instructed him. He was pulling at his tie; finding it difficult to breathe, his face an impressive shade of red.

"We've lost some of them before, remember? That all turned out okay..." Maria offered, as she went to get a glass of water for Phil.

"You mean when Clint and Natasha almost drowned?!" Phil stammered before gulping the entire glass of water and wiping at his face with a tissue.
Bruce was sat happily in front of the TV watching reruns of The Flinstones; several toys scattered around him.

"Don't worry Phil, we brought re-enforcement's" Pepper said, turning to where Natasha was standing, or at least where she had been standing. "Damn"

"Okay, this is getting ridiculous!" Phil said. "I'm not being the one to break this to Fury! I'm not being the one to tell him that we only have one member of his 'super-team' left! No way!"

"Calm down Phil, we won't have to tell Fury anything because we will find them!" Maria said with determination.

They were in the middle of devising a battle plan; who would take each floor, who'd take Bruce, ideas of where to check, when they heard: "I'd like Mexican for dinner please"
Natasha stood there; Clint's hand in her own. Tony, Thor and Steve stood behind her. A cheeky smile on her face in response to the looks of amazement each of the three adults gave her.

"But... But... How?!." Phil stuttered; eyes fixed, disbelieving, on the group of children stood in front of him.

"I know all their secret hiding places" Natasha answered simply. Steve and Tony walked over to where Bruce was watching TV, while Thor had started rifling through the kitchen cupboards.

"Again... How?"

"I asked" Natasha answered patiently; shrugging a shoulder, as if it was the most obvious answer in the world.
Her gaze flicked to the TV as The Flinstones ended and Scooby Doo began. She dragged Clint with her as she ran to join the others on the couch.
The two women looked at Phil. Relief flashed across his face, followed by a smile. "That is just so... so Natasha!"

"I guess we're having Mexican for dinner then" Pepper said, balling the half-completed plan up and throwing it into the trash.

"Yeah, Phil's buying!" Maria laughed as she pulled a take-out menu from the draw. "Hey guys, what d'ya fancy to eat?"

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