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The next day the kids were back to getting along, the adults could only hope it would last!
They took them bowling again; Tony and Clint winning once more, and then to the movies to see Monsters University which they all really enjoyed. As they'd been so well behaved all day Maria took everyone out for dinner at TGIs. By the time they got back to the tower everyone was exhausted; Bruce, Natasha and Tony were asleep in the car, Clint was muttering utter nonsense, and Steve was too tired to read.
When they got back all of the kids filed straight off to bed, Pepper set about answering some emails on her laptop while she had some peace, while Phil looked through the messages on his phone.

He suddenly looked up to Maria; "Do you have any messages off Fury?"

"Erm... No, just oh; I have 17 missed calls. Ooops"

"Yeah, I have 21... Pepper?"

She fumbled around in her bag for a moment; "Yeah, I have 15 missed calls from Fury. I guess he wanted to speak to us..?"

Phil stood and left the room to ring him back, he guessed there would be lots of yelling...

A very short while later, when he re-entered the room; his face unreadable to both women waiting to hear what was so important.

"Fury wants to see us tomorrow..."

"All three of us? But what about the kids? He said under no circumstances were they to go aboard the helicarrier again"

"He's sending some agents to watch them"

"Did he say what it was about?"

"No, but he said it was important"

The three adults sat in silence for a while, considering what could be so important.

"Do you think they've found a cure?"Maria asked; they'd all been thinking it, they'd all known this day was coming...

None of them really knew what to think or how to feel at the prospect; they'd become so attached to the kids, they couldn't imagine their lives without them, but they also missed their friends and colleagues, and the world did need them...

The next day Agents McCauly, Walsh and Ericsson arrived dead on 8 am. They entered the floor as the kids were eating breakfast.

"Who're you?" Clint asked, climbing up onto his knees on the chair to get a better look.

"We're here to look after you today" Walsh answered, when both her colleagues failed to speak.

She smiled at them, six faces staring back at her, when Bruce burst into tears.

Phil walked in, taking Bruce into his arms and looked the agents over, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Three? He only sent three?"

"There are only three of you" McCauly answered back; he was a young agent promoted above his worth because both of his parents and elder sister were agents. Phil always thought he was a smart-ass with a bad attitude.

"We know how to handle them, you do not"

"Its just six little kids, how hard can it be?"

Before Phil could give him a piece of his mind Pepper walked in, handed a list over to Walsh;

"These are your rules, trust me; follow them. We're going to be late, you ready Phil?"

He nodded, putting Bruce down on Tony's lap. He smiled quickly at the six kids and left. Pepper rounded the table; kissing and hugging each of them good bye.

"Be good" Maria warned them, "and good luck" she told the three agents.

"I don't like it, I don't like it one bit" Pepper admitted to the others in the elevator. "Maybe Fury can do with just seeing you two, I should stay, I don't trust those agents to look after them properly..."

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