Disipline techniques

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While Jane had gone into SHIELD for a few hours to use some of the lab equipment, the four other adults enjoyed a rare quite moment in the kitchen; Thor had insisted on accompanying Jane and the other five were playing nicely in the lounge.

That was until it was abruptly interrupted by a loud crash and the sound of shouting from the lounge.

"I bet you $10 it's Tony's" whispered Maria

"I bet you$20 Clint and Natasha" Phil counted

"I bet you both $100 that it's all three of them!" Darcy said tiredly, receiving an eye roll from Pepper.

"I guess I'll go then" Pepper stated, noting how none of the other three had moved from their seats despite the arguing and crying still going on in the other room.

"What's going on?" Pepper asked as she entered the lounge

Natasha, Clint and Tony all started to respond, shouting louder to be heard over the others. Natasha was stood on the table, while Clint and Tony were stood on the floor amidst a pile of lego, beside a screaming Bruce.

"Right, okay okay. Shush!" Pepper told them, silencing the three older children while she picked Bruce up from the floor

"One at a time" she warned them, but before she could tell them who could go first all three started shouting again

Pepper closed her eyes, it had been a long day; hell, it'd been a long few weeks, and she had an ever growing headache.

After ten minutes of arguing among themselves Natasha, Clint and Tony stopped when they realised Pepper had given up waiting and left the room.

They looked at each other confused before she re entered, noticing they were now quiet

"You ready to be quiet now?" she asked sternly. The three of them nodded. "Good, then listen"

Steve had told Pepper what had happened while they'd been too preoccupied shouting; Natasha and Clint had been playing a game of spies and Bruce had wanted to play, they'd told him he was too young and suggested he help Tony with his lego. Tony however hadn't wanted help as he was building a large, complicated lego model of a robot, so when Bruce tried to join in he'd told him not to touch anything. Bruce had become frustrated and grabbed the lego, breaking the robot model which was taller than Bruce himself and had taken Tony all morning. Tony had yelled at Bruce, who started to cry. Then he yelled at Clint, Clint yelled back, and Natasha joined in and the whole thing had gotten worse when the rest of Tony's 'robot' had collapsed and shattered on the floor...

"First, Natasha get down off the table"

She did as she was told, but scowled at Tony when he stuck his tongue out and whispered 'I told you you weren't allowed to stand on there!'

"Tony!" she warned, before continuing "I know Bruce is a lot younger than you guys..."

"He's not that much younger than Tasha" Tony said, emphasizing Natasha's name, and Pepper glared, Cling grabbed Natasha's wrist before she could hit Tony and get herself in more trouble

"But he likes to play with you guys, so be nicer to him" Pepper finished, not in the mood for lectures

She was surprised at Tony; he was normally the most tolerant of Bruce and liked to make sure he was always involved

"I'm sorry Pepper" Natasha whispered, eyes on the floor by her feet

"Me too!" Clint told her when Natasha elbowed him

"And me, I'm sorry Bruce, I just really wanted to finish my robot"

"Can you all play together now?" Pepper asked, though it wasn't so much a question as an order

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