Fury's adventures in babysitting

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SI had been in a bit of crisis recently following Tony's disappearance and Pepper's extended leave. She'd been called into urgent vital meetings to assure some of their most generous supporters that that company was still worthwhile funding. The catch; the meetings were in Japan.

There were lots of tears as she said her goodbyes; Clint was tearful, Natasha was bawling and even Pepper herself was weeping. She'd be gone one week, and had manage to cram 6 cities and 17 meetings, aswell as travelling times into those seven days, refusing to be away any longer.

Two days after she'd left and SHIELD was run under; a bout of flu had half the staff off and a steady increasing caseload overworked the remaining staff. An emergency situation had occurred and Fury had no choice but to ring, beg and plead Coulson and Hill to come in. They were the two best case agents SHIELD had and Fury was desperate.

Due to the seriousness of the situation, they'd agreed to come in; it wasn't going to be like last time when he dragged them all the way in for a pointless meeting, and they'd made sure Fury knew the next time he rang it'd have to be an emergency!

The only person available to watch the children was Fury himself. He'd exhausted every other avenue, but if he wanted Hill and Coulson, he had no choice. McCauly was still on reprimand after his behavior looking after the kids last time, and his attitude on returning to HQ. Walsh and Ericsson had both outright refused and had spread the word to their colleagues leaving Fury with no volunteers.

Fury had some junior agents empty some of the chairs and tables from the largest conference room, leaving one large round table, a few smaller ones and several chairs. They could draw for a while, kids liked to draw, right?

Coulson and Hill arrived at 8.15 with the six kids.

"You're late agents" Fury stated, looking up from the computer system he'd had brought down in order to keep his watchful eye on operations along with his team under-aged of superheroes.

"Yeah, some of the kids wondered off..." was the only explanation offered to Fury to explain how, when disembarking the quinjet they'd traveled in to the helicarrier; Clint and Natasha had decided to do some exploring of their own. (They hadn't been to the helicarrier since they'd first been transformed to children, unlike the others who'd visited more recently - and wondered off themselves)

Fury raised his eyebrow and noted how Maria held Natasha, and how Phil gripped Clint's hand tightly. He made his own assumptions as to exactly who 'some' of them were.

"They didn't break anything did they?"

"We don't think so sir"

"Good. Now get to work... And thanks..."

The last bit of that statement left Maria and Phil a little too shocked to talk; they'd never heard Director Fury say 'thanks' before. They hugged the kid's goodbye and
turned to leave; hoping the lectures and the pleas they'd bombarded the kids with would pay off and they'd behave; just this once. But they weren't counting on it. Nervously they left the room and set about their jobs.

Fury scrolled through his computed, made some noted and sent a few texts on his phone before he realised the children hadn't moved from where Hill and Coulson had deposited them. They stood by the door; Tony holding Bruce, Clint and Natasha hand in hand, all staring. they seemed unsure of what to do.

"Sit down, draw... Do something..."

Steve was the only one to move to the table, taking several pieces of paper and a pencil from the center and sitting down with a smile, seting straight to work.
Fury looked expectantly at the others, none of who moved.

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