The End of the Day

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Phil stifled a yawn as he re-bandaged Natasha's swollen wrist.

"You two really must be more careful" he said, but didn't bother with a lecture, Pepper assured him that she would handle it.

Bruce was wearing a fresh diaper and was sleeping soundly on the sofa – finally!
Between them, Maria and Steve had gotten Thor cleared up and he was now sleeping in a sleeping bag in the lounge next to the recently-freed Tony, whose hand was reached up, gripping Bruce's tiny fist while they both slept.
Steve was asleep in the arm chair, while Natasha and Clint curled up on the other sofa together.

Pepper looked at the time. It was 2.09am and they'd JUST managed to get the last child to sleep (Clint had been the last up, waiting for Natasha to fall to sleep before allowing himself to drift off).
Maria sat at the table with a bottle of wine and three wine glasses in her hand.

"Well, one day down..." she said sarcastically.

"And we didn't even have them all day!" Phil said, both the women groaned at the realisation that not long from now; the six terrors in the other room would be awake and running wild.

"I don't think I can take another day like that!" Pepper exclaimed. "First thing in the morning – we set some ground rules." The others nodded in agreement. They gradually gave into exhaustion, and all three fell asleep there at the table; wine unopened.

It was light when Pepper opened her eyes. She looked at her watch: 8.05. There was a blanket over her shoulders, and she was now alone at the table. She could hear voices in the other room.

She found Clint and Natasha still curled up on the sofa, watching Scooby-Doo together. Tony was trying to get Bruce to eat a banana. While Thor helped Maria clean up the pizza boxes from last night, Steve sat quietly reading a book and Coulson was on the phone. SHIELD Pepper guessed, and was proven correct at the use of Fury's name:

"No Director Fury. They have no memory of their lives past the age to which they have reverted, but they do seem to have some familiarity with each other. They trust myself, Hill and Pepper, aswell as each other. Similar friendship patters are evolving too sir. Barton and Romanoff are inseparable, Stark cares deeply about Banner and his well being. While Rogers actively helps keep an eye on the wellbeing of all his team... Yes sir... Yes sir... I understand sir."

"What are we doing today Pepper?" Tony asked, still trying to persuade Bruce that a banana would be a good breakfast.

"Well I thought we'd go shopping and get you guys some clothes" she answered, looking round at them. They were all dressed as they had been when they'd left SHIELD yesterday afternoon. Except Clint and Natasha, who, after their swimming trip, were both wearing Pepper's Tshirts.
"And if you all behave, we could do something more fun afterwards" she added with a smile.

"Like what?" Thor asked excitedly

"The arcade?" Tony suggested

"The movies?" Clint added

"The park?" Natasha offered hopefully.

"We'll see. Now all you guys need to go get cleaned up, brush your hair, and we'll get going soon" Maria told them, offering a cup of coffee to Pepper, who gladly accepted it.

Steve took a banana covered Bruce, and the rest of the children followed, leaving the three adults to their coffee.

"Director Fury said he's got scientists coming in from all over the world; Britain, China, France; to try and figure out a way to reverse this. He wants us to keep them for now, and try to not let the public know what's going on. The last thing we need is all the super villains with vendettas gaining knowledge of our current predicament"

"I hate to break this to you guys; but I've been called into a meeting today" Maria admitted.

"What? You can't leave us with them! They already outnumber us!"

"I know Pepper, I'm sorry. I wouldn't go unless it was urgent. I shouldn't be long"

Pepper turned to look at Phil, who had the same look of terror on his face that Pepper was sure she was wearing too.

"We're ready!" Tony grinned from the hallway.

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