The Toy Store

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Jane took the six children into the toy store alone, while Darcy and Phil opted to wait outside with their bags and bags of shopping.
Darcy bet $50 that Jane would be back out asking for help within 10 minutes, Phil countered with 5 and they set the timer going.

Jane gripped Natasha and Tony's hands tightly, watching as Steve kept an eye on Bruce and slightly regretting her decision to bring up the idea on visiting the huge toy store on a Saturday when she saw how busy it was.

Thor was distracted instantly with a demonstration of a magic trick being performed and Steve soon wondered off, dragging Bruce with him to look at the arts supplies. Tony was trying to drag Jane here, there and everywhere and in the mayhem Natasha had slipped her hand from Jane's grasp and she and Clint had disappeared.

Well, that didn't take long Jane thought, before a Frisbee hit her in the face.

"I am most sorry Lady Jane!" Thor called from across the store, running to her side and knocking several displays over on his way.

She looked in horror at the state of the previously tidy store as mountains of stuffed toys and shelves of board games and action figures were now littered across the floor.

"It's okay, I'm okay" she reassured him quickly when he looked truly devastated to have hit her.

"Miss Foster?" Steve called loudly, stumbling over the pile of toys Thor had knocked over to reach her; "I can't find Bruce, he was here but he just disappeared!"

Jane sighed, she couldn't believe Darcy was so right about how hard it was to keep control of them. They weren't misbehaving as such, but trouble seemed to follow them round wherever they went and that obviously extended to their child-like selves as well.

There was suddenly a lot of yelling and shouting going on in the back corner of the store and a sinking feeling hit Jane.

"Steve, Thor please will you look for Bruce while I try and find the others?"

They both nodded, and went about searching for a tiny toddler in a massive store...

Jane soon saw the where the commotion was coming from, Tony and another boy were stood shouting at each other, the other boy was taller and older than Tony. He shoved Tony backwards, Tony shoved him in return and the older boy went to punch him.

Jane caught his wrist before he had chance;

"What do you think you're doing?"

"He was bullying a little kid!" Tony told her, pointing an accusatory finger at the boy stood opposite, Jane glared at the boy who shrugged and strolled off and Tony smirked, happy he'd got him to leave.

They watched as he made his way towards the exit but was suddenly shot repeatedly by nerf guns and plastic arrows, he sprinted out the store without a look back and Jane saw Clint and Natasha emerge from their hiding place and give each other a high five before running off again.

"Right, come on Tony let's round up the others.

The staff found Bruce happily buried in the mountain of stuffed animals Thor had knocked over, the announcement over the tanoy was a little embarrassing;

"If anyone is missing a child, please report to the main desk, we have an unattended child here"

Steve and Thor beat her there, so when she and Tony arrived five of them were now reunited, leaving just the miniature assassins missing.

She debated sending the four of them outside, but didn't want Phil and Darcy to know what a horrific job she'd done of looking after them.

Jane heard a strange hissing sound, and turned to see that Tony had set off one of the fire extinguishers.

"Ooops" was all he said as he stared wide eyed at the mess he'd created.

"Mam, I'm afraid we're going to have to ask you to leave"

Jane nodded; surprised it had taken them this long to kick them out the store

"Sure, I just have 2 more kids I need to-"

She didn't finish the sentence as she caught sight of the battle Clint and Natasha were currently having. She was shooting him over and over with a seeming unending supply of nerf darts, she clutched a Captain America shield in her hand and occasionally grabbed a stuffed toy from the floor to fling at Clint. He was firing plastic arrows in between dodging her shots and when he ran out he threw the bow aside and grabbed a plastic sword and a copy of Mjolnir and hit Natasha's shield with it, causing her to drop it. She dived quickly behind a set of shelves as Clint tried to hit her with his sword.

"I think I found them" Jane told the employee who now wore a look of sheer disbelief on his face

"Hey that looks like fun!" Tony declared

"Don't even think about it" Jane warned him sternly

Clint stumbled over some of the toys still littering the aisles and fell into the shelves, knocking it over. Natasha jumped out of the way just before she was caught underneath it.

"They're not my kids" Jane quickly explained to the onlookers who had all gathered to watch the devastation; the fire extinguished was still hissing behind them and Clint and Natasha had just single handedly destroyed half the store.

A security guard approached Jane with Clint and Natasha's arms held in each of his large hands; "These yours?" he growled

"They're my friends" she stuttered out, before taking their hands and quickly fleeing the store, offering apologies to the staff on the way out.

"How'd it go on there?" Phil asked when they finally emerged

"Oh it was great" Jane smiled confidently, Tony looked in amazement over at Clint and Natasha, aswell as the foam from the fire extinguished currently covering both himself and Thor and was about to say something to the contrary when Steve nudged him to keep him quiet.

Darcy and Phil exchanged knowing glances and laughed; they'd heard the announcement on the tanoy and heard people leaving the store talking about what had happened, but if Jane chose to pretend everything had gone perfectly, then so be it.

"Come on, let's go home" she hurried everyone up, out of the mall and back towards the car.

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