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The ball was grand...
Everyone was smiling...
Laughter and joy was spread around during that night...

Yet, it all vanished at the moment she saw- not her grandmother's soul departing but the whole scene of such carnage through the eyes of the murder. She didn't know how, but it all happened all of a sudden. One moment she was admiring the wonderful ball, the next it felt like she became her own grandmother's killer. The image of such grotesque act still haunts her.

Alice couldn't find the courage to tell anyone. She tried to erase the memory out of her mind, but it kept on replying. She kept hearing a whisper, "You are your grandmother's killer". It was hypnotic and eerie. It was cold and demonic. Was it her own demons? Or the work of another?

All Alice could do was hide in her room and shut the world away. She wanted to pluck out her eyes for having this cursed gift. It brought her only pain and despair. Lately she had been tempted to blind herself. The utensils that always come with her food on the tray enticed her to cut her eyes. But she didn't even have the heart to do so.

"W-Why am I so weak?" She cried out.

Only she could hear her own cries. Her walls blocked out the noise from the outside world and the wails she'd let out inside. She had no idea what was happening oustide, and they had no clue what was going on in her quarters.

The fact then brought a thought to her. One that had been echoing in the back of her mind quiet recently. She grabbed the knife and fork on her train, shiny as ever. The silverware reflected bits an pieces of her broken state. Her fingers trembled as she inspected the silverwares, but there was no hint of rejection in the thought.

"I've always been thinking about it..." She mumbled. "But, what's the point in blinding myself if I still have that image instilled in my mind?" She looked at the utensils.

If she were to see eternal darkness forever, shouldn't she just join it instead?

Alice took a deep breathe and gripped unto the two silverwares tightly, pointing at each of her two eyes. "If I push hard enough, I might not experience excruciating pain" Her voice was shaky as the silverwares were dangling a few centimeters from her pupils. "I-I should do it quickly... I-I wouldn't want it to be a slow death" she let out a trembling breath.

One thrust...

Everything will vanish. Her vision, her pain, her life...

"On the count of 3..." She mumbled.

"1..." She gripped unto the silverware even tighter.

"2..." Her hands were shaking, but she tighten her grip.

"3-" She let out a yell as she was about to dig the utensils deep into her skull


A sudden image flashed before her eyes. A dark hallway... Blood splattered around... She finally reached the end of the dark tunnel...

Who was that person standing before?

As the blurry vision ended, she felt throbbing pain in her head. Alice dropped to the floor confused and paralyzed.

Was she hallucinating just now? Or was it her powers?


The sound of a chainsaw echoed around the forest. Branches cut and tree barks getting deep markings caused by a battle ensuing in the forest. "YOU LITTLE WENCH YOU GET BACK HERE!" demanded Grell to their opponent.

"My is an old grim reaper like you getting tired already?" The woman let out a high pitched chuckle.

"Who are you calling old!?"

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