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The maid clicked her tongue like a snake as she peers at (Y/n) like a predator eyeing his prey. Although this predator chose the wrong prey to deal with. 'This is no ordinary maid...' (Y/n) thought. 'She's probably colleagues with those attackers in league with this so-called brother of mine...'

"There's no need to know who I am (Y/n)" The maid cooed. She pointed her knife at (Y/n), "Why must you know who your killer is if in the end no one will ever figure it out." She let out a highpitched cackle and lunged at her.

Her movements were quick, but thankfully- (Y/n) was able to dodge, she only earned a scratch on the cheek. The maid smirked, "One scratch is all I need."

Before (Y/n) could react, her body suddenly went numb. She fell to the ground unable to move. 'W-what... But- don't tell me her blade is-'

The maid giggled in delight as she walked towards (Y/n). "A man's sperm isn't only used for delighy" she began to speak, "I don't just collect it solely to play with... A colleague of mine had managed to turn such liquid into a poison capable of immobilizing even the biggest of behemoths... Although, it depends how deep the cut is."

She kicked (Y/n) at the gut. The mistress could only grunt in pain. "Oh how I wish to torment you more but sadly... You've only taken a few drops of it- and I wouldn't like it if you attempted to escape or worse, kill me" the maid said dramatically as she kneels down prepares to stabbed the mistress.

Unable to move and let out a yell for help, the last thing (Y/n) could do was hope and pray that her bloody butler was around. 'Sebastian... I need you!' She thought out loud.

"Goodbye (Y/n) Phantomhive" The maid exclaimed as she was about to stab (Y/n).

Before the knife could touch (Y/n), the maid was suddenly jumped back as shots were fired at her. The maid let hiss, "YOU! HOW DARE YOU!"

At first (Y/n) thought it was him, but then she realized Sebastian wasn't the type to use a gun.

"Step away from the mistress" That voice was none other than Takeyo.

(Y/n) wanted to move and see what was happening next. She was slowly regaining her mobility as she was able to move her fingers. 'Come on... Come on..'

The maid suddenly grabbed (Y/n) and pointed the knife at her neck. "Shoot me again and your mistress gets it" the maid threatened. The highpitched voice she had early was slowly turning into a growl.

Takeyo ceased firing and dropped his guns. The maid smiled, "My what an obedient and loyal puppy."

"Oh no, I just didn't want to hit Lady Alice" Takeyo replied.

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. 'What does he mean by Alice-'

Her thoughts were cut off by a loud shriek that was coming from behind. As she slowly peaked behind her, her eyes widened. Everything went so fast in the next moment but (Y/n) was able to witness it all. Alice charged into the room by crashing into the window behind them and stab the maid in half.

(Y/n) fell to the floor with a large thud while Alice landed on top of the maid with her sword across her body.

"My lady!" Takeyo ran to her aid.

"I'm alright... I'm alright" (Y/n) replied as she slowly stands up. Her jaw dropped upon seeing Alice. "A-Alice-"

"I-I just did it" Alice mumbled. "I-I just killed a person" She squeaked as she jumps away from the maid's body.

"Alice!" (Y/n) snapped her out of her trance. "Are you alright?!"

Alice nodded frantically, "I should be the one asking that! You were held hostage!" She responded.

"You were the bloody lunatic who crashed into a window!" (Y/n) pointed out.

Alice let out an awkward chuckle, "Yeah... It was the first and last thing I came up with when I suddenly saw a strange entity in your room."

"You used your powers?!"

"I-I didn't mean to! It was just... I was walking around then I noticed a maid with a strange aura or something-" Alice's words were cut off by a tight hug from (Y/n).

"Your my hero Alice..." She whispered to her cousin. "But, you musn't do more stunts like that in the future."

"I think I had enough for a lifetime" Alice replied awkwardly. "Emily's more cut out with those kinds of stuff."

"Awh, how sweet" The touching moment was cut off by the maid's voice. The maid stood up and pulled out the sword that was impaled through her abdomen. (Y/n) pulled Alice behind her. Takeyo quickly picked up his gun and aimed at the maid. "Ahhh, I wanted to play more... I guess it's a time out for now" she said in a sullen tone, "Don't worry, I'll be back and make sure that my master will be satisfied of my services. Good bye for now" she then vanished into smoke.

Takeyo kept on firing rounds at the diminishing smoke. "It's useless" Alice spoke up, "The succubus managed to escape."

"Succubus?!" (Y/n) gasped.

Alice nodded, "This is bad... With a monster on the loose. Everyone's in danger. I have to tell Father about this."

"No!" (Y/n) exclaimed. Before Alice could speak, (Y/n) continued on explaining. "She's after me Alice... We shouldn't ruin Emily's celebration because of some low life goons trying to take me down."

"Are they even low lifes?! They are beast for the love of Victoria (Y/n)!"

"Sure she may be a hot monster, but I prefer my women-"

"Finish that sentence and I swear your going to be Margaret's dog for two months" (Y/n) hissed. Takeyo yelped in response. "Besides... I'm pretty sure that maid was the one who seduced you."

"Yup... She even imprinted on him" Alice pointed out looking a bit disgusted. Takeyo flushed red of embarrassment.

"Ok, enough with the chatter of that kind of topic... We have other things to deal with." (Y/n) spoke up. "Like finding an alibi for this."

"That's easy... Mother and father are most likely to believe that I decided to surprise you by jumping into your window" Alice said breezily.

"Ok" (Y/n) said unsurely. "If you say so... Then our next priority is two things. The maid and its possible allies that may come."

"What do we do? Even if the party is going to be guarded. I doubt our guards are capable of fending off the supernatural" Alice spoke up. "Do we need talismans or I don't know a priest?"

Takeyo snorted, "Ahhhh, Talismans... Brings back some memorable occassions in the mansion."

"(Y/n) your an expert on these kinds of stuff... What do we do?" Alice asked looking worried.

"We just need one hell of a butler"


Henloo! Henloo!
Another chapter wieeeee!!!!
It's a bit short compared to the past ones. Also, I'm sure you guys are getting impatient since Sebastian hasn't yet made an appearance.

Pretty soon!!!

In fact, I am 50% certain that you guys will like it ehhehehehehehee

That's all for now!

Issa Out!

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