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[The image above is Chandini's dress. Now back to the story!]

"Chandini, is my son finished dressing?" King Sohma asked.

"Yes my majesty..." She replied politely. "The prince is extremely ecstatic for the ball. Although, I'm certain his main focus is to a share a dance with Lady Phantomhive" she lightly joked.

"It's no surprise there" King Sohma chuckled. "He adores (Y/n) to the point he wishes to marry her."

"If so, then why aren't they well- bethrode?" She questioned. King Sohma turned to her upon hearing that question. "I- uhm... I apologize if that question crosses a line" she squeaked.

King Sohma shook his head, "You didn't do anything wrong" he reassurred. "And I'm not the type to ignore questions" he then stroked his beard as he explained. "Ignoring the age gap between those two, (Y/n) had already been engaged to lad who was around her age. Sadly... That young man passed away recently."

"Oh..." Chandini mumbled. "That's terrible..."

"Indeed it is" King Sohma said. "That even had dampened not only (Y/n)'s heart but the Midford's as well."

Chandini's eyes widened, "Lady (Y/n) was engaged to a Midford? Wait- does it mean... The Midford's had a son?" she gasped at this realization. Emily hadn't mention anything about her brother. It was understandable though... It must have pained her so much and wishes not to speak of it.

"It's sad knowing that today's the first birthday where Emily will be celebrating it without her dear brother" King Sohma said in a distant voice. "She and young Edgar were an inseparable duo. Some would even mistake them as twins... They were a strong pair in terms of fighting. Edgar was a hot blooded fighter while Emily was the one who would calm him down. When Edgar died, part of Emily died as well... From the calm and cool lady to instilling personalities from her brother.."

Chandini's heart ached upon hearing his words. 'Emily... When we had our conversation earlier. You were so bubbly and hyperactive. I never thought you experienced such lose.'

"But tonight isn't to mourn for Edgar. It is to celebrate Emily's growth and birth as a lady" King Sohma said in a joyous tone.

Chandini nodded in response, "Indeed. Although I wish the Prince would finish preparing himselfnor else we might as well be late."

"Let us be patient" King Sohma chuckled. "He very much wishes to dress up for (Y/n)" he said. "And besides... I see you've worn your best as well Chandini."

Chandini flushed, "I-I'm just wearing the clothes suitable for a servant in such an occassion. I don't want to embarrass my master after all."

"Don't worry dear child... My Son's hijinks are in charge of unconsciously embarrassing me" He joked.


In the bedroom of Emily Midford, the maids were finishing up in her make over. Beautifying the young lady to perfection. They showered her with compliments. Her gown was stunning as ever. Her hair was simple at first but upon added with accessories here and there she looked like a goddess.

[Reference pic for Emily's dress]

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