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"My Lady, Margaret has finished packing your things for your stay in the Midford's manor" Sebastian informed his mistress. She had been recently more focused in staying in the study rather than doing paperwork which very much made him curious.

What made him more curious is that his mistress isn't telling him what she is currently looking into. She never told him what she was researching- he could just lend her a hand if she asked, he was just awaiting her orders.

"My Lady, It is getting late now" Sebastian said to his mistress. "You have to wake up early for tomorrow's event".

(Y/n) averted her focus from the pages she was reading to him, "What event?" she asked looking confused.

Sebastian let out a sigh, "For your cousin Lady Emily's birthday. Have you forgotten that tomorrow is the party?".

(Y/n)'s eyes widened, "Bloody hell!? It's tomorrow!?" she jumped from her seat. "Why did that slip my mind!? Oh dear, I haven't bought a gift!" She paced around the room looking mortified.

"As usual, you don't focus on preparing these types of events" Sebastian pointed out. "We've prepared what you need for the party, along with a small gift" he pulled out a small box.

Unexpectedly, (Y/n) wrapped her arms around Sebastian. "Oh thank you! Thank you!" She exclaimed. Sebastian was taken aback by her sudden gesture.

"I-uh" (Y/n) let go of him, and awkwardly staggered a few feet a way from him. She looked down on her feet, and let out a small cough.

"I mean-" she looked straight back at him, trying to regain her usual stern composure. Sebastian could tell she was flustered by her action as he see her visibly reddened cheeks. "Very well, I am glad you don't have to wait for my orders in trivial facts such as this" she spoke as she began to walked to the door.

"My Lady, you might forget the gift" Sebastian walks towards her and hands her the gift box. He leaned over to his mistress, "It is very much hard to think of a gift for woman who means nothing to me".

"But Emily means so much to me, and I hope this gift is enough for her" (Y/n) responded she then turned her back on him. "Kindly return the books I've pulled out of the shelf Sebastian, I'm going to bed now".

"Goodnight my Lady" Sebastian said softly, but his mistress gave no reply as she left the room. "Always hardening your heart" he mumbled.

A sly smirk crept on his lips, "But I am making progress...".

Sebastian walked over to the piles of books (Y/n) had scattered across the floor and desk. He wanted to know what she was studying about but whenever he'd come inside, she would push him away. She didn't want his help and didn't want to be disturbed.

"I wonder what she is reading about" Sebastian looked at one of the books (Y/n) had picked out. But upon seeing the contents, he scowled.

It was a book about Angels. Information about those beings...

Sebastian looked at the other books and found notes stuck in between pages that the mistress had probably put. One book had caught his eye, in fact it was no book at all...

It was an old and dusty album. Sebastian was very much familiar with it for inside contained the images of his master and late lady Elizabeth. (Y/n) never took interest in this album because she would mention it was very much out of character for her father to look sharp in a wedding- and he couldn't very much agree more.

As he looked through the album, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of nostalgia at the sametime amusement, especially to his master.

'You always cheat death...' He thought. He felt the contract on his hand pulse with a strange feeling. He recalled the moment his master had given him the greatest order. The one order that changed his views on him; from a mere spoiled master to a being he outmost respected and treated as an equal. In fact...

Sebastian couldn't help himself but be slightly frightened at what his master had become. 'Because you fool your pawns into giving themselves... You have come so far my lord'.


"Because of certain circumstances, I've decided to take Takeyo with me" (Y/n) announced to her servants before she leaves.

"What? Awe come on" Yammy whined. "Now my break times are going to get shorter".

Zymon and Lammy smacked him in the head. "Apologies Mistress, Yammy's practically in that phase now" Zymon said.

"It's alright" (Y/n) said. "Sebastian's in charge" she looked at her butler, "Watch over the mansion".

"Yes my lady" He responded. (Y/n) peered at him intently."Is something the matter, my lady?".

(Y/n) shook her head, "It's nothing".

She then walked to the carriage, but before she hopped inside she glance back at Sebastian. "You'll come for me when I need you, won't you?".

A small smile crept on Sebastian's lips, "Of course, my lady".

As (Y/n) entered her carriage, she gave one last look at Sebastian before the doors closed by Takeyo- who is wearing a sharp butler uniform which was sewn by Margaret. She found it strange the her butler gave no extra remarks to her as she left- not that it bothered her. But, it was a bit out of character for Sebastian to just casual around her. It was like he reverted back to those days he was just a mere butler and she was his mistress.

(Y/n) shook her head, now wasn't the time to be thinking of the relationship she had with the demon. There are other things to tend to.

She had recently been researching more about Gabrielle and his relation to her so-called brother. The thought of having a sibling just bewildered her. It was very far-fetched! As she scanned through the albums kept in her family's shelves, there was no image or any documents of her mother giving birth to a son. Only certificates of her birth.

An thought came to her about this brother of hers which sent a chill down her spine, she feared what if Ciel had cheated on another woman.

It was a possibility, but (Y/n) want to think of her father being such a man to cheat on his wife! He was an honorable and noble man. Sure she did deeds that are gruesome and heinous, but there was a purpose for it. She wouldn't believe that her father would do such a low thing to her mother.

She even doubted if his father had the backbone to sweep another woman of her feet, recalling at how Sebastian would describe how he'd show his love to Elizabeth. "The Master is practically an idiot in stuff like this; he has no clue on how to woo Lady Elizabeth" she recalled him say.

She couldn't help laugh at it. 'I guess I got my ways from my father...' She thought.

'But now is not the time for that! Ciel Phantomhive and Elizabeth Midford had only one child and I am that child... I'm going to know more about this brother of mine and luckily, there's a person who will be attending Emily's party that might give me an answer'.

She had no plans on telling her intentions to Sebastian... For now.

Not because she couldn't trust him nor was this about their little relationship which (Y/n) has not yet full acknowledged. She had to handle this matter on her own; it was a familial matter. If only her father was here so she could get the answer out of him. She doubted if Sebastian would answer her question, he might just cover it up- his loyalty is practically deeper towards him rather than her.

But maybe, she could strengthen her connection with him with her feelings...

If only that's how the Faustian Contract works, and if only her Faustian Contract is the same as her father's...


So I don't know...

Just some little insight because it's going to go south soon. Verrrryy soon!!! Next chapter's going to include the Midford's yeyyyyyy [I missed writing them actually, because they're practically integral characters in the story]. Oh and, currently- you guys prob should be expecting that you might be lacking in Sebby moment's in the coming chapters.

I hope you guys will like what's gonna happen next, because it's going to be something I haven't tried writing before ;)))

But don't expect too much!!!

See you arounndndndndnd

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