twenty one

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If things were awkward with just Sarah, I didn't even have a word for the tension in the room as we all sat around, eating. Everyone was scattered around the living room and the kitchen, and we all sat in silence. I sighed, setting my plate down before standing up.

"So let's talk game plan for today," I said, scanning the room to make sure everyone was listening, "I know this is a strange group of people right now, but right now can we just focus on the fact that we all have the same goal? It's gonna be a hard day and we don't need tension adding to that."

"I'm on board with focusing on the goal," Sarah said, nudging John B.

He coughed, saying, "Uh, yeah, so am I."

I looked around, noticing everyone nodding their heads in agreement. I clapped my hands, smiling, as I turned toward John B.

"John B would you like to start us off?" I asked.

"Absolutely," he said, standing up, "So, Sarah and I can't go to the police station right away, for obvious reasons. We need someone to stay here with us to keep us in the loop with everything going on since we ditched our burner phone."

"I'll do it," Wheezie said, raising her hand.

Sarah laughed, smiling as she said, "We'd love to have you here Sneezie."

"That's actually perfect since I don't think it would be good to bring her to the station," I said, "So now that we've covered that, I'll move on. I know this isn't the original plan, but I'm suggesting a change."

"What kind of change?" JJ asked, looking at me with fear in his eyes, "I swear if you say you're going to the station alo-,"

"Yes, I'm suggesting that Rafe and I go alone to the station and the rest of you come afterwards, when Ms. Lana gets there," I said, "And before you tell me no, think about it. I'm still seen as a kook around here, if it's just me and Rafe, they might be more willing to believe us."

JJ stood up, about to protest when Pope spoke up.

"I agree with Sierra. It makes more sense," he said.

"I do too," Kie said, sighing, "I don't like it but I do agree."

"You've got to be kidding me," JJ said, running his hands through his hair, "You guys are seriously okay with her going into the Kildare Police Station alone to tell them they were wrong? You think that's gonna go well?"

"JJ, I understand you're worried, but I can take care of myself," I said, reaching for his hand.

He pulled his hand away quickly, and I frowned.

"She's not going to be completely alone. I'll be with her, and I won't let anything happen," Rafe said.

I turned to smile at him, but the smile fell from my face when JJ stood up from the couch and walked up to Rafe.

"Excuse me if I don't trust you of all people to watch out for my girlfriend," JJ said, glaring at him as he stormed into our room.

Hurt flashed across Rafe's face, and he looked down.

"Emotions are high today, Rafe. He's just upset," I said, "Please don't let him get to you."

He nodded his head and silence fell over the group once again. Pope helped me gather everyone's dishes and bring them to the kitchen.

"You okay?" he whispered as we loaded the dishwasher.

I nodded my head, giving him a small smile. After we loaded the dishes, we walked back over to the group.

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now