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"Hey guys, I hate to rain on this parade but I gotta go home," I said.

"No, we wanted to watch the sunset on the marsh," Kie groaned.

"They told me to be home by five. It's the only time they've given me any type of rules since we got here. I have to," I said.

"Break the rules, live a little, kook," JJ said, punching my arm.

"I'm all for breaking the rules, but breaking this one might mean not finding out my parents' connection to Ward. I have to go," I said.

"Well shit, way to bury the lead, Sie. Let's get moving people," Kie said, walking over to the anchor.

Pope started the engine, and we drove off to my house. I was sitting at the front of the boat, letting the wind blow in my face. I felt truly alive for the first time in weeks, and it was a rush. Nothing would compare to the feeling of the life inside me finally coursing back through my veins. I was healing and becoming me again, and I had these people to thank for it.

We got back to my dock, and I stood up. Gathering my things, I stepped off the boat and looked back at them.

"Meet me here tomorrow morning?" I asked.

"Yeah, between ten and eleven," Pope said.

"Sweet. Later losers," I said, saluting them.

I turned to walk away, hearing the engine get further away. As I walked into the house, I was greeted by Brayden running towards me.

"Sie, will you play with me?" he asked.

"Yeah bud, but I have to talk to mom and dad first. Do you know where they are?" I said.

"They're in the living room. Come to my room when you're done," he said, running off.

I walked towards the living room, putting my bag down by the steps. My parents were in there, talking in hushed tones.

"I'm back," I said, grabbing their attention.

"Oh, perfect. Can you go upstairs and grab Maddie? We have to talk to you both," my mom said.

"Yeah, I'll be back," I said.

I turned and walked towards the steps. Once I got to Maddie's room, I knocked on the door. After a minute, she opened it.

"You woke me up from a nap," she said.

"Yeah, clearly a hangover nap," I laughed, "Mom and dad want us downstairs to talk."

"I'll be down in a minute," she said, shutting the door in my face.

I rolled my eyes, walking back to the living room. My mom had left the room, but my dad was still sitting there when I walked in. He looked up at me and waved me over.

"Is Maddie coming?" he asked.

"Yeah, she said she'll be down in a minute," I said.

On cue, Maddie came walking down the stairs. Joining us in the living room, she sat next to me on the couch. My dad was sitting in a chair across from us, looking at his hands. He sighed and looked back up at us.

"There are some things your mother and I haven't told you about," he said, "And some of those things are going to have to remain secrets for now."

"That wasn't sus or anything," Maddie said, rolling her eyes.

"I understand you girls aren't necessarily thrilled about the move here, but there's a lot going on behind the scenes that we can't tell you. It's to protect you," he said, "but for now I just need you both to promise me you'll be careful. There are some really dangerous people living around here and you need to be safe."

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now