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"We should probably get back to the party now," I said, removing JJ's hand from my cheek.

"You're right," he sighed, "I don't want to go back to pretending we hate each other yet."

"Neither do I, J, but it's only for a little while longer," I said.

He nodded his head, looking down. I grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the door with me. Opening the door, we saw Topper and Kie sitting on the floor in front of us.

"You kiss and make up?" Kie asked, smiling.

"I don't kiss and tell," JJ said, winking at her.

I rolled my eyes, helping Kie up from the floor. Topper stood up, flashing me a small smile as we all walked towards the elevator. Once we were inside, I dropped JJ's hand, not wanting anyone to see once we got back to the party.

Topper and I left the elevator first, rushing ahead of Kie and JJ. It sucked that we had to go to these lengths, but I couldn't afford to risk Ward seeing me with JJ. Too many people's lives were at stake for me to be messing up now.

As we walked back into the party, I went to find Maddie and Wheezie so they knew I was back. It wasn't hard to find them because they were with Ward and Rose, who stood out in the crowd. Making my way over to them, I plastered a smile on my face.

"Hey guys," I said, smiling, "This is really a great party. Thanks so much."

"Of course, sweetheart," Ward said, "Only the best for the Cameron girls."

I smiled, this time a genuine smile, as I thought about the necklace around my neck. I couldn't help but get excited that Wheezie and I would be able to give Sarah her necklace soon.

"I'm going to have to steal these girls away for a second," I said, grabbing Maddie and Wheezie's arms, "Thank you again for the amazing party."

I pulled the girls away from Ward and Rose, bringing them with me to the bar. After ordering three glasses of champagne, I handed two of them to Maddie and Wheezie.

"Wheezie, I know you're only thirteen, but we are having a toast," I said.

"A toast to what?" Maddie asked, "Did things go well with JJ?"

"A toast to the fact that everything is falling into place exactly how it should be," I said, "And I have you two to thank for part of that."

"Hey, I'll toast to that," Wheezie said, "Especially if it means I get to drink champagne."

I laughed as we clinked our glasses together. Taking a sip of the champagne, I was thankful to have rich parents that bought the fancy kind.

The rest of the night was a blur. I spent most of the time dancing with Maddie and the boys, being joined by Wheezie a few times as well. I could feel JJ's eyes on me throughout the night, and it took everything in me not to run to him. Every bone in my body was telling me to leave and go to the pogues, but I knew I couldn't yet.

It was almost one in the morning when I finally got home, and I was exhausted. I never knew a night of smiling and small talk could tire someone out this much. After hanging my dress back up, I dug through my drawers to find one of JJ's sweatshirts I had. I slipped it on and went to the bathroom to take my makeup off and get ready for bed.

As I was brushing my teeth, a sound on my window startled me. I slowly walked out into my room, and I saw JJ standing on the little ledge by my window. He had blood dripping from his face, his shirt was torn, and his eyes were swollen. I opened the window, letting him in. Quickly locking my bedroom door, I led him into my bathroom. He sat down on the toilet, looking down at the floor.

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