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I laid in my bed, willing my body to fall back to sleep. It was early, and I wasn't ready to face my first full day as the reigning kook princess of the Outer Banks. Before I went to sleep last night, Ward and Rose went on for an hour about the party they were going to throw to introduce me to society. The idea of it was sickening to me.

I expected to have to put up with extravagant parties and other kook activities, but I didn't expect them to throw a party for me. It was going to be so big that they couldn't have it at the house, but at the hotel. It was like I was participating in a debutante ball, except I was the only one being presented.

My stomach started growling, and I knew there was no chance I would fall back asleep now. Groaning, I climbed out of bed and started to get dressed. Normally, I would've stayed in my pajamas all day, especially because I liked to wear JJ's clothes, but I felt like I was constantly on camera in this house.

I picked out a dress, throwing it over my bathing suit. Now that I had no friends to hang out with, I planned on lounging by the pool all day. It was going to be lonely, but it was better than pretending to enjoy hanging out with Rafe and the other kooks. Not all of them were bad company, but after the last party and the incident with Topper, it felt a lot more uncomfortable to be around them.

I made my way downstairs and headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. While Rose was sweet, she didn't seem like the type to make breakfast for her kids in the morning. I was surprised to see a full breakfast sitting on the counter and the family, minus Rafe, sitting around the table.

"Good morning, Sierra," Ward said, "How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby," I said, grabbing a mug from the counter.

I filled my mug with coffee and grabbed a plate, taking a seat at the table. I listened to Ward and Rose talk about the party as I quietly continued to eat my breakfast.

"Is my long lost sister ready for her official debut to Outer Banks high society?" Rafe said, taking a seat next to me.

I rolled my eyes at him, scooting my chair away from him slightly. He smirked at me, winking as he sipped on his coffee.

"Look at them, already fighting like brother and sister," Rose said, clapping her hands together.

"It's nice to see you fitting into our family so well," Ward said, smiling.

"You are my family, so it only makes sense that I fit in so well," I said.

"Back to the party, I'm going to take you and Wheezie dress shopping at noon today, so clear your schedules," Rose said, "You can pick out any dress you like."

"Can't I just wear something I already have? I have so many dresses," Wheezie said.

"No, Wheezie. This is a big family event, so you need a new dress. Plus, it'll give us girls some time to bond," Rose said.

Wheezie groaned and rolled her eyes. Rose and Ward sent her a warning glare while Rafe laughed.

"It's okay if Wheezie doesn't want to come. You guys don't need to make such a big deal for me. I get it if she wants to stay home and just wear something she already has," I said, sending her a small smile.

"Wheezie has to go, and that is final. I want my girls to spend some time together so we really feel like a family," Ward said.

"Just because you want to use Sierra to replace Sarah doesn't mean I have to," Wheezie said, running upstairs.

We all sat there, quietly, until we heard Wheezie's door slam. Rafe was holding in a laugh, and I was holding in tears. I didn't really want to be a part of the Cameron's family, but somewhere deep inside I had hoped for Wheezie's approval.

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