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"So I guess that makes me your sister," Sarah said, stepping from behind John B.

"Twin sister, actually," Pope chimed in.

"Bro, c'mon," John B said, "Don't ruin the moment."

"I hate to break it to you John B, but the moment has already been ruined," I said, laughing lightly.

"I like her guys," he said, turning to Pope and Kie, "She gets the John B stamp of approval."

"Well that's good because they sort of already brought me into pogues for life," I said, shrugging.

"Without asking me first?" John B said, touching his chest, "I'm hurt, truly."

Pope rolled his eyes, saying, "John B, we thought you were dead."

"Okay but none of that matters now that everyone's here," Kie said, wrapping her arm around John B's shoulders.

"No, not everyone," I said, "JJ's still in the hospital. I should honestly go over there and jailbreak him for the night."

"JJ's in the hospital?" John B asked, "Is he okay? What happened? Why is no one else as concerned as I am?"

I looked down, feeling guilty that I was partially the reason JJ was in the hospital right now, not here with John B.

"He's okay," Kie said, looking to me, "He got into a little fight with Ward but he's okay."

"With my Dad? Why? Because of Sierra and him?" she asked, looking at me, "That's bullshit. Why can't he just let his children be happy with who they're happy with? He just can't stand the thought of a pogue with his daughters? Bullshit."

"It's absolute bullshit," I said, shaking my head.

An awkward silence fell over the group, and I shifted my weight back and forth between my feet. It was hard not to blame myself for JJ being in the hospital, but it was even harder to convince myself that no one else blamed me either.

"How about I go grab JJ from the hospital?" Kie suggested, cutting through the silence, "Pope and John B you can catch up and maybe Sarah and Sierra you could talk?"

"I'd like that," Sarah said, smiling at me.

"Okay, sure, yeah, Kie you go get him," I said, "Please let me know if he's okay when you get there. I've been worried about him all day."

"I will. I promise," Kie said before heading to her car.

The four of us went inside, not wanting Sarah and John B to be so exposed before we clear John B's name. Pope and John B went straight for the couch, and I rolled my eyes.

"I guess I can't make a comment about you taking the couch considering this is your house that I'm living in," I sighed.

"That is exactly right, and oh, how much I've missed this couch," he said, stretching his arms.

Sarah laughed, turning toward me as she said, "I love him, but God am I happy to have someone else around."

I held in a laugh as I said, "Oh trust me, I get it. His best friend isn't any better."

"Any chance you want to go sit somewhere else and talk? I haven't had girl talk in so long," she said, eyeing the two boys.

"Yeah, we can go to my and JJ's room," I said, walking to the door.

Saluting Pope and John B goodbye, I walked into the room and closed the door behind Sarah. She took a seat at the edge of the bed, and I crawled over to the top, facing her.

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now