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"Dad, can you please explain what's going on," Rafe said.

"Let's get everyone some drinks first. Ethan, Sandra, are you okay if we let Maddie and Sierra have some?" Ward said.

"Yeah, that's okay," my Mom said.

"Well, everyone follow me to the patio then," Ward said, walking out of the room.

We all got up and followed him to a huge doorway that led to a patio outside. The view was absolutely breathtaking. They had a huge yard with a nice dock and a pool. Everything about this house was so perfect and untouched, it didn't feel like a home.

Taking our seats on the patio, Ward handed us all drinks. Part of me was nervous to drink it, thinking that Ward poisoned it or some shit, but I knew I was just being paranoid.

"So, I know that some of us are aware of what's going on, but we haven't explained this to our kids," Ward said.

"You're being so sketchy, dad," Wheezie said.

"Just go ahead and tell them, Ward," Rose said.

"Sandra is my sister. Maddie, Sierra, and Brayden are your cousins," Ward said.

I saw Rafe's face pale as he realized we were related and tried to contain my laughter. I couldn't tell if the idea made him as uncomfortable as it did me. Considering everyone telling me how much I looked like Sarah, I had a feeling he was a little twisted and wasn't bothered by it nearly as much.

"I mean, it's not too hard to see. Look at how much Sierra looks like Sarah," Rose said.

"I guess she does look a lot like Sarah. It's a little freaky," Wheezie said.

"That was actually how I met Ward. He saw me in a store and thought I was her," I said, laughing.

"We know your family has been going through a rough time since losing Sarah, and ours is still in the wake of a loss of a child as well. We thought it would be nice to try and come together to heal," my Dad said.

"Let's have a toast to family," Rose said, holding her drink up.

We all lifted our cups up, Brayden and Wheezie lifting their sparkling cider. It would've been a nice moment had we not been toasting to family with two people who completely destroyed other people's families. I couldn't help but think about how Sheriff Peterkin's family felt, knowing that someone shot her. It made me so angry knowing that Rafe had shot someone, just like Dylan had been.

I lifted my cup to my lips, feeling the cold liquid pouring down my throat. If I had to deal with the Cameron's, at least I would get fancy alcohol out of it. As the adults engaged in conversation around us, I turned to Brayden.

"Hey, Bray. How are you doing with all of this?" I asked.

"I'm okay. It's just a little weird. How did we not know we had cousins?" he asked.

"Well, Mom and her brother fell out of touch for a while. I'm sorry they just sprang this on you tonight," I said.

"It's okay, Sie Sie. It's not your fault," he said, "Plus it's pretty cool that we have an even bigger family now!"

"Yeah, more people for you to play with," I said, smiling.

Wheezie seemed like a nice girl, but I hoped Rafe didn't try and talk to Brayden. I didn't want him anywhere near my innocent brother. He had no place getting involved in all of this shit.

"So who is ready for dinner?" Rose asked.

"I am," Maddie said, laughing.

We all got up and went to the dining room. There were places set for all of us with name cards. It felt like a country club, and I did not like the vibe at all. We took our seats, and Ward and Rose went to the kitchen to get the food. They placed it on the table in front of us, and we started passing the plates around.

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now