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*Popping in for a trigger warning in this chapter.*

"I know you were lying in the store," Ward said from behind me.

I turned around, coming face to face with him. He had a crazy look in his eyes as he came closer to me.

"You really think I bought your little story? Those kids wouldn't let you hang out with them if you weren't supporting their efforts to clear John B's name," he said.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I wasn't lying," I said, backing up.

"We both know that isn't true, Sierra," he said, taking another step.

I took another step away from him, backing into the railing of the balcony. I looked around, trying to find something to create a barrier, but the balcony was empty.

"I don't believe their story. I know they're lying. We're on the same side," I said.

"I can't have you running around with them, spilling all my secrets," he said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I tried to push him off, but it was no use. He was too strong. Fear coursed through my veins as I put the pieces together on where this was going.

"Please don't do this. I'm your niece," I said.

"I have to," he said, pushing me over the edge of the railing.

I sat straight up in my bed, breathing heavily. My body was coated in a thick layer of sweat. I looked over at my clock and groaned, seeing that it was four in the morning. I knew there was no chance I would fall back asleep after the nightmare I just had, so I got up and went to sit on my balcony.

I brought a blunt and a lighter with me, as well as a book. Lighting the end of the blunt, I opened my book. As I smoked and read, I felt myself starting to calm down again. I was not looking forward to going to dinner at the Cameron's and having to pretend like everything was fine. I would have to develop a character in my head and take on that persona while I was there. I tried to tell myself that it was just like a high-stakes acting exercise, but that didn't make me feel any better.

The sun started to rise over the water, and I sighed, thinking back to when JJ and I watched the sunrise on my boat together. It was only two days ago, but it felt like weeks. Time seemed to pass at a different speed around here, but I had a feeling that was because crazy shit was always happening to us.

I wouldn't trade the pogues for the world, but I wish I could go back to before I knew the truth about my family and Ward. Things got infinitely more complicated after my parents told me, and life didn't feel real anymore. The past few days have felt like a fever dream, and I wanted it to all be over.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by my phone ringing. I picked it up and saw that Kie was calling me. I clicked answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, Kie. What's up?" I asked.

"I just wanted to let you know I'm coming to get you in a few minutes. We have to get JJ and Pope, and I want us to be at the station as soon as it opens," she said.

"Okay, I'll get ready now. See you in a few," I said.

"Okay, bye," she replied, hanging up.

I got up and headed back into my room. I threw on jeans and a tube top, grabbed my things, and headed downstairs. It was still early, so no one in my family was awake yet. I made my way into the kitchen, grabbing a bagel and making coffee. As I poured my coffee into a travel mug, Kie texted me that she was outside. I sent my parents a message telling them I was leaving then went out to meet her.

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now