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Two weeks had passed since I officially became a Pogue, and not much had happened. My dad hadn't bought Ward up again, and we were at a dead end with all our leads for clearing John B's name. Kie, Pope, and JJ hadn't brought up my idea about trying to investigate where John B and Sarah were, and I knew better than to push it with them. It was kind of upsetting that things were so slow, but it had given us lots of time to chill and get to know each other better. Today was another day of spending all our time in the marsh, driving around in the HMS. We had spent the last few hours laying in the boat, drinking and laughing until our sides hurt.

"Hey guys, there's a movie playing on the lawn tonight. We haven't gone to one since before," Kie trailed, "well anyways I thought it might be fun to go."

"An outdoor movie? I love those. I used to do that back home all the time in the summer. I'd be down," I said.

"Last time we went it didn't go too well Kie. That's kook country and you know it," JJ said.

"I think we should go JJ. It'll be fun," Pope said.

"We can just avoid them. It's not like they'll be after you and Pope again," Kie said.

"Wait, what happened last time?" I asked.

"Pope and I sunk Topper's boat because he beat the shit out of Pope and they wanted payback, so they started a fight. Stupid fucking kooks always have to have the win," he grumbled.

"It'll be fine JJ. Please?" Kie asked.

"Fine, but I'm bringing beer," he said, rolling his eyes.

Kie smiled at him as he closed his eyes and put his head back. I was excited to go to an outdoor movie again because it was something my family used to do every week in the summer before we lost him. It was one of my favorite things. We would all lay down on our blankets and get bundled up. Last summer, my parents let Maddie and I start drinking with them during these nights. We would always end up playing drinking games at the end of the night when Brayden went to sleep. It was a simpler time in our life, and I wanted to get back to it.

"I'm excited for this," I said, leaning back against JJ.

Time passed, but JJ and I stayed the way we were. The warm sun on my face was enough to tire me out, and I eventually fell asleep with my head resting on his chest.

"Time to wake up love birds," Kie said, pulling me out of my nap.

I opened my eyes slowly, looking over at JJ who was still passed out. His arm was wrapped around my back, his hand resting on my waist. I poked his bare chest until he finally opened his eyes.

"We gotta get going," I told him, sitting up.

He groaned, saying, "why would you wake me up. I was living happily in dreamland."

"Because we have to get ready for the movie tonight. Quit complaining," Kie said.

I laughed as JJ pouted at her words. Pope dropped me and Kie off first, as we weren't going to the cut.

"I can pick you guys up so we can drive there," I suggested, climbing out of the boat.

"Sounds like a plan to me. You can come by my house and I'll tell you how to get to JJ's and Pope's." Kie said.

"Awesome, see you in an hour," I said, heading towards my house.

I walked inside and went straight up to my room to get ready. Deciding to take a quick shower, I hopped in. The warm water fell around my body, and my mind wandered to JJ. I couldn't help but think about how his hands felt on my body. I'm not the type of girl to fall fast for a guy, especially someone I barely knew, but something about JJ was different. I sighed, wishing these feelings away as I got out of the shower and dried off.

In Deep Water || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now